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Sessions rescinds the "Cole Memo"

Thank goodness that's over, now we can finally get back to a thriving black market and plenty of Federal prosecution. Looking forward to more Green Harvest flights!
I thought the republicans are always touting "states rights"?
Another beautiful day in Puna! (note my inept attempt to get Puna content).

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
"states rights"?

It's either "States' rights" or "Federal pre-emption" depending on the issue and position.
Whatever rationale Sessions is using, this won't affect us much in Puna because our lame state government and lame county prosecutor refuse to accede to the will of the people and decriminalize marijuana.
The administration is intentionally targeting the tax base in blue states. Session's action today continues what the new tax law started, this time by preventing states like Hawaii from collecting tax money from pot sales (eventually).

Session's boss, a very fat man, is walking on thin ice as most Americans and most states (and their tax collecting legislatures) and are in favor of marijuana legalization.

Rescinding the memos may have a short term effect, but over the long haul will go up in a puff of smoke like their illegal immigration policies and phony voter fraud investigations. Like short term memory loss, it will all go away once the source of the symptom is abandoned.

"This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water.” - President Donald J. Trump
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
When it is my agenda, big government, and government over reach is okay. Kinda like the so call deficit hawks? Sad day for us little Puna people.
intentionally targeting the tax base in blue states

That certainly explains waiting until after legalization took effect in California earlier this week.
That certainly explains waiting until after legalization took effect

Timing is everything. Even for people living in the past.

"This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water.” - President Donald J. Trump
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Punchline: legalization in California, new Federal crackdown ... all while the Big Island waits for its first dispensary to open.
From Tulsi:

Attorney General Sessions just put every state with policies of legalized medical and recreational marijuana on high alert, escalating the failed, so-called “War on Drugs.” This means that millions more people in Hawai‘i and across the country will be at risk of arrest and federal prosecution for possessing, using, or selling marijuana—even though it is legal and in accordance with the statutes of their state.

Let's be clear about who Sessions' decision will hurt. More than eighty percent of veterans in the American Legion voted two months ago in favor of a resolution legalizing medical marijuana at the federal level. Veterans suffering from invisible wounds like Post-Traumatic Stress and chronic pain, or with addiction to opioids, deserve our commitment to researching every possible treatment to help them, and Sessions is failing them. States that have passed medical marijuana laws have seen a correlating drop in opioid-related deaths. I've met with parents of children with epilepsy, cancer, and other serious and chronic conditions who are fighting for greater research and legal use of medical marijuana, and who have rallied behind my bill H.R. 1227, the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act.

H.R. 1227 needs your support too. Will you add your name as a citizen cosponsor to the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act?

We all know that our criminal justice system is broken. Millions of people have been arrested for possession or use of marijuana, incarcerated without the means to make bail, and mired in a hopelessly backlogged court system that punishes non-violent offenders with felonies and years behind bars. Sessions' decision will exacerbate an already inhumane, ineffective system that tears families apart.

We need common-sense criminal justice reform that reduces recidivism and the share of fellow Americans that we lock up. Sessions' actions to protect the bottom lines of the for-profit private prison industry, and Big Pharma whose opioids and drugs flourish in part due to the marijuana prohibition, while trampling on states' rights and turning everyday Americans into criminals, is the latest injustice that the Attorney General has suffered on the American people.

Become a cosponsor of the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act by adding your name today to...

We must stop Sessions and fight this decision. I am calling on every member of Congress to take up the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act to remove marijuana from the list of federally controlled substances. Anything less compromises the safety and well-being of the people who need our protection the most.



And yes, I imagine if you follow the link above to Tulsi's petition you will then be directed to that ActBlue site asking for a donation. Before anyone gets upset about her asking for your money you might keep in mind that it's probable that if you were in her position you'd be doing the same. It's just the nature of the the political world

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