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Drone lifeguard
This is brilliant!
All hail our new robot overlords. JK, great idea!
Great technology. Now if the drones can only drop down from the sky and nab thieves (say with a giant sticky net).

(2026. You are at work in town and get a ping of a home intrusion. Link to camera in your house--you see the 2 perps. Text 911; police immediately link to your data; see the 2 intruders and verify your assertion. They send out the drone; it nets the guys leaving your house. Oh wait--civil libertarian concerns. You will have to move to Texas to get this response.)
Great technology.

Correction: great potential, we just have to beg for Federal permission first.
The guy controlling the drone really aimed perfectly so the floatation devise landed right between the swimmers. Excellent aim. Lives saved.
I wouldn’t have believed it without the video.
Always thought something was needed along the Puna coast line. It averages several death a year. It takes time for the FD helicopter to get out here. Something like that could be prepositions along the coast in some kind of little dog houses and remote controlled
Keep your evil military technology out of our sacred ocean! For all we know those allegedly flailing people were peacefully worshiping Moana until you warmongers intervened. Are the drone and life preserver BPA free? How much HELCO PGV power do they use to entertain the million tourists that will come to watch?

And as far as those people walking out of your house with your stuff? We can't be sure what we're seeing, maybe you gave them permission.

sacred ocean! ... BPA free? ...How much HELCO PGV power do they use

I would only add, aren't they really just mini helicopters?
It's a slippery slope sheeple.

"This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water.” - President Donald J. Trump
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Do they leave Chemtrails? I bet they do...
It shouldn't be too hard to build these pelagic, life saving drones out of BPA free materials. Little or no harm done to mother nature and preserve human life. Seems like a win, win.

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