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Now is the time to testify for SB 2474!
Here’s the proposed SB 2474;

Requires the department of health to conduct a study on the impact of aviation noise on residents of the Puna district and surrounding areas of the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Appropriates funds to the department of health to conduct the study.

Please consider testifying- you can go to the hearing on Oahu on Monday February 12, 2018;
DATE: Monday, February 12, 2018
TIME: 1:20 p.m.
PLACE: Conference Room 224
State Capitol
415 South Beretania Street

Or you can submit testimony by e-mail.

Click on Register Upper Right corner.

You register your e-mail address. They send you an e-mail with a confirmation code. Follow the directions on the confirming e-mail and after signing in you click on the submit testimony button.

While in general I support some kind of scientific study on this issue because I don't know what all the fuss is about, without knowing their proposed methodology for the study by DoH it's hard for me to support. I find the bill too vague:

...department of health shall conduct an aviation noise study for the Puna district on the island of Hawaii and the surrounding areas of the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, to determine the impacts on the health and welfare of the residents. This assessment shall include public meetings for community input. Upon completion of the assessment, new rules shall be adopted to address the aviation noise impact findings of the study.
Just this morning Sat. Feb 3rd 2018, between 7:30 am and 8 am, myself and my Ohana were startled out of our sleep by several low-flying tour helicopters. After never having headaches I was diagnosed with a migraine condition in 2016. These over flight trigger my migraines. This is not a pleasant way to wake up. I worked more than 30 years, I had to be there at 7 am. Why can't I have a quiet and peaceful home to sleep in? I get 9 Sumatriptan tablets a month and the pharmacy ran out on Jan. 26. I use them all every month and it's a real headache when I can't get this medication. I have to sit in my house with earplugs or headphones-Why?

On hicop's petition most of the reasons why 568 people signed were health related; please watch the video and read the reasons why people signed;

Hundreds of people wrote letters to the Health dept in 2017 complaining of negative health effects. hicop got a letter back saying the health dept. doesn't regulate helicopters and to not contact them again. The hope is that if the study documents a problem that action would be justified. Mahalo!
And that's the problem with not knowing what their methodology is. Are they going to just measure locations randomly? If they measure where i live, they're going to not see any problems (I assume). Are they just going to measure at HiCOP petitioners?
Why can't I have a quiet and peaceful home to sleep in?

Because you chose "cheap land, low taxes"?

At least that's the answer I get to all my complaints.
So, are they just going to the helicopters over someone else’s neighborhood

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