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Damon - Stillhope - Please take a recess!

Take your disagreements to the playground!

Give some ADULTS a chance to communicate on issues that MATTER - maybe even to you two!

Is this a RANT![^] SORRY![V]

Thanks Mene -

I have long decided it wasn't worth my time.

In fact... I've even begun erasing most of my posts that I come across. (I think it's almost pau... if anyone sees any of my posts in any of her threads she started...please let me know)

I'm glad your not the only one sick of it.

Today in History:
Pacific Commercial Advertiser announced that the Volcano House was open for business, 1866
Menehune,I was not responding for all his insults which he deleted,as he admits,he was talked into.It was a lot of them. Until he started implying that I some kind of imposter and my credibility is now 0.I had to answer that .Not to him,but to the other people on this forum who deserve the explanation.As far as "not worth my time" he just repeated what I said ,word for word.
Sorry for all of it.But some accusations needed to be answered.
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.

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