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looks like prosecuters are serious this time.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
This idiot is going to be the example and have the proverbial book thrown at him. People will talk for years about the guy who got 20 years for breaking and entering!
Anyone know, is he a gypsy? I met a young man a few years back who identified himself as one telling me they were developing a community here. I read somewhere Stingu-Dragomir is Romanian, what an interesting name.
I hear tell there's lots of looting that isn't being reported. Maybe making an example of someone will help things a bit.
No doubt he will get a stiff term. Cost to the taxpayer: about $40 K a year. Be much more useful if he and other non-violent inmates were sent to Kauai to help clean up the huge amount of storm damage. Or other public works projects.

(Non-violent: One gathers from reading the article he didn't try to assault the homeowner; he didn't even try to bolt and run. Apparently he calmly talked to the homeowner. A bit odd.)

Because of the egregiousness of his case, say 2 years in prison; then 8 years work-release labor.

Deputy prosector: “We’re looking at a life term of imprisonment." Guy looks pretty young; got another 30 years of life. What, sitting in a cage?

Our justice system's determination not to have inmates work/pay back their debt to society never ceases to amaze....
With all the furlough idiots who walk away and don't return, I would not be comfortable with inmates working outside unless Hawaii wants to bring back the Chain Gang!
"Anyone know, is he a gypsy?"

Why do you ask?
The vast majority of the Roma or Gypsy immigrants, the fresh off the boat types are often prone to scams, thievery and the like.
Oh boy, another one.
Gypsy is another term for Egyptian
Puna: Our roosters crow first

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