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The Wheelabrator Survey was not Scientific
The Survey that was taken on the Wheelabrator issue is slanted in my opinion.

Burning trash to produce electricity was cited as the best disposal method by 56 percent of "likely" registered voters, according to telephone interviews The Tarrance Group conducted with 450 registered voters Feb. 17-19.

Here is the problem... Wheelabrator is a CLIENT of Tarrance Group! Therefor the Tarrance group has a vested interest in helping Wheelabrator. Shame shame.[xx(]

See the list of The Tarrance Groups CLIENTS here.

Today in History:
Mauna Loa erupts, 1867
Opinion surveys commissioned by private companies and greedy politicians have a habit of phrasing the questions to get the desired result, whether they claim to be scientific or not.

I can hear the phone surveys now:

"Hello, I'm from the Tarrance Group on the mainland.... Were conducting a survey of Hilo Residents....

1. Do you like trash
2. Do you make trash
3. Do you want a land-fiil near you
4. Would you prefer to have your garbage turned into Energy?....

Thank you for your time...



Today in History:
Mauna Loa erupts, 1867
Thanks Damon, interesting subject, This is going to be one of the worst decisions Hawaii county council will make if they go along with this! We will suffer the consequences/expenses for years to come.[Sad]
At least the paper noted who made and sponsored the poll!

This belongs in NELHA! North side of the fish operations! No immdiate neighbors Large covering would block view from the air, and close enough to Kwaihae for shipping recycles!

Multi millions were poured into this facility, ostensibly for power production, time for it to pay for itself!
Gordon J Tilley
Aloha y'all,
County Council Finance Committee in Kona today was ever so ineresting.
14 people I had never met were in Kona and in Hilo putting the word to the Council that an incinerator is, to put it concisely, not on.

Me, I was # 15.

No testimony was given in support.

The survey? At the Kona meeting was a representative from Wheelabrator Technologies, Inc. After polite introductions, I asked for the survey instrument, the sampling frame, and, for purposes of valid replication, the raw data in a format to conduct statistical analysis. He said, "No. That is proprietary information." When I inquired if he thought that doing it that way would create a credibility problem for Wheelabrator, he said, "We don't have credibility problems."
Go figure.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
The NELHA project was very scientific, and a complete scam! This is a good opportunity for a private firm to right the UH driven wrong we've been living with and paying for for years. Your technical nitpicking is getting us nowhere! The last time a private enterprise bailed UH out was geothermal venture, they even try to set a beneficial "just in case fund" for affected neighbors , but no, the gov. will even change the law to bleed industry as they're doing to GV now. Why should GV contribute after the changes have been made and their donation will go into a political slushfund?

Gordon J Tilley
This Report from the Frackville Energy Co. shows that Wheelabrator has been known to leak toxins into the environment.

Are they telling us the true cost of this thing?

I always thought things cost more to build here in Hawaii.

Yet Wheelabrator proposed This one on the mainland for $400 Million.

So what are the true costs?

Today in History:
The civil rights law, later referred to as the Ku Klux Klan Act, is passed in the U.S., 1871.
The one they're talking about is good to power 60,000 homes, more than our geothermal! If operated by privates, if shut down, they would loose money! Unlike Gov employees who get OT to fix it! They could recycle as they see fit, whichever is the best way to remove each class of trash!

15 Nimbies at one hearing, doesn't sound like much publicity has been expended for the opening hearings!

Anyone who thinks the states' Hi5 project is a booming sucess (winding lines in hot alleyways), wait till you have to go to the nasty plastic line and the empty can(metal) line, and the styrofoam line! Govt loves to give us lines! Nimbies usually can donate their recyclables cause they can afford it, no lines for them!

Anyone who sees a multi trash pickup in the future, unless our tax base rises hugely, forget it! Nope, you'l go to lines for inspection of each item (A shiny magazine in the newspapers), back of the line! Ever been busted for a plastic bottle cap left on, back of the line! A piece of corn in a soup can, back of the line!
Gordon J Tilley
Sounds like the whole thing was almost squashed.

Seemingly on the verge of killing a proposed $125.5 million Hilo trash incinerator Tuesday, County Council members opted to hold public hearings before deciding the fate of the waste-to-energy facility......
Opportunities for people to learn about and comment on the proposed 20-year contract with Wheelabrator Technologies Inc. will occur March 25 in Hilo, April 7 in Waimea and April 15 in Kona. The hearing locations and times were not set Tuesday, however.

Today in History:
The civil rights law, later referred to as the Ku Klux Klan Act, is passed in the U.S., 1871.

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