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Driving license residency proof
I need to renew my driver license in the next couple of months and one requirement is proof of your primary residence via two documents. I live in HPP and the only thing I have with my actual physical address is my property tax statement. I also have Helco bills and although they state the road I live on, they don't provide the actual house number.

I'm sure others have been in this position, so what did you use for proof of your physical address? My license doesn't have my physical address so can't use that although the DMV has my physical address on record.

Internet bill, mortgage loan statement, deed or cable bill. Or if you already have a driver's license with your address on it that will work too. Good luck. The lady in charge seems to take great pleasure in turning people away for "improper" documentation.
Certainty will be the death of us.
Thanks, Kalianna. I'll need to look at my mortgage documents to see if they have my physical address as none of the other options you mention will work as they don't mention my address (and the bank holds me deed). Maybe I need to visit the bank unless others come up with options.
I used my car registration.
I think your HELCO bill has your physical address (I think that’s what I used),
Edited: I just checked my bill, and in the upper right corner of the bill they have printed the numerical physical address, HPP, and road name.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Voter registration is the other common document used. If the Helco bill doesn't include your actual house number (most do) you could ask that it be updated. For my son, I was able to sign an affidavit stating that he lived with us, which counted as one of the document. I'm not sure who can be used for the affidavit route.
Thanks, everyone. I'm still a bit stuck but having Helco put my physical address on the bill looks like a good option (they mention the road but not the address). As to the other suggestions, I'm not a US citizen so voter registration doesn't work and my vehicle registration doesn't have my physical address either, so neither option works.

It's ridiculous. Lots of money has been spent on getting my green card including FBI background checks, I've lived here over two decades, I've obeyed all the laws but the county makes it as hard as possible to prove you live here. I think I might ask the DMV person to show they live here as well, including their physical address, so I'm not being targeted by some nasty foreigner.
I'm not being targeted

You’re probably not being targeted. When I renewed last year, I went online to check what documentation was required. I called the Pahoa DMV station to confirm. I took all of that info with me, and more for good measure. The person at the desk shuffled through a folder full of paperwork and then claimed I needed something additional. I told her I had what should be required (per following their own requirements as above) to which she replied that no, I didn’t. I asked for a supervisor (who might perhaps follow the actual rules) but sorry, there wasn’t one on duty that day.

I picked up the last fragment of identification she claimed was needed, and drove into Hilo for good measure. The young woman who helped me there was professional, courteous, and friendly.

Now I have to go back (and do it all again?) because one month after I renewed the state finally started adding the required security star to the drivers license. A few months ago I tried to check online if I could just get a replacement since it was renewed so recently, but there no info on their website concerning the changeover for my situation. Then I tried calling, repeatedly, but never could get anyone to pick up the phone.

While it’s always a possibility you really were targeted, I wouldn’t take it personally. It’s more likely they’re targeting everyone who walks in the door for their own personal entertainment. Just be glad they didn’t light an actual hoop on fire and ask you to jump through it.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
HOTPE - never thought for a moment I was a target, but why not reverse the whole situation and make sure those that ensure we have all the required documents are themselves citizens or legal residents and that they are required to prove it to anyone needing their license renewed? We can swap pieces of paper around and both scrutinize our credentials. You can ask for a supervisor and if they do that to me, I'll call the FBI. They know where I live.

You know, if I was a terrorist, I wouldn't be reapplying for my driver license in Hawaii, I would have infiltrated the DMV system by now and given licenses to all my friends, so I want to know that the DMV officials are here legally.
@TomK - You can easily go into the Pahoa DMV and have the registration changed to reflect your actual street address. I do not believe they will even charge you.

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