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Rain abates in Hilo--but don't go to Rainbow Falls
Hilo has had nothing but minor sprinkles for 2 1/2 hours. No winds. Hundreds drove up to Rainbow Falls to see our river--and were turned away by police and CD. Barriers blocked all cars.

Some people parked up by hospital and walked down. Lack of police manpower prevented stopping all pedestrians. If you are determined you might make it. 30 people and I did at 12:30.

Safety issue? The falls and parking lot are 100 ft above river level. I called police, a spokesman said CD determined the river is highly dangerous. No sh--. And some one might jump in. Right.

The Wailuku River rages 30-40 days a year. By this logic we should close Rainbow Falls every time that occurs--precisely the time people most want to visit the falls. Hello.

This is the sort of nonsense we are now getting from safety fanaticism.

It makes little sense to gripe at CD or the police. The people more responsible are that segment of the populace, the safety fanatics, who egg on officials (or demand them) to carry out these safety missions.

What a nuisance these people are.....
By the same logic, They should ban people from entering the ocean.. because its dangerous. (Sorry tourists.. You aint dying in our waters..)
safety fanatics, who egg on officials (or demand them) to carry out these safety missions

More likely: unlimited overtime during a declared emergency.
No lava for you! No waterfalls for you! No returning home for you!

Am I the only one who thinks the county is out of control? Too bad "we" keep reelecting the same party over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
A video of what's going on :

Come-on !!

MarkD is troll.
Big Island Video News of flooding in Hilo, amazing pictures of Bayfront!
Obie, your clip is supposed to prove I'm lying that CD had Rainbow Falls closed to cars earlier today?? I posted a fake story?

Here's another clip showing the parking lot closed. It probably was taken mid-morning; when I went at 12:30 there were about 30 other people there and water was not running through the parking lot. And dozens of disappointed would-be river-viewers outside.

You're an idiot, Obie, and also an A-hole for calling me a troll.
Nanny State! Land of the Free?
"The people more responsible are that segment of the populace, the safety fanatics, who egg on officials (or demand them) to carry out these safety missions. What a nuisance these people are....."

Accusatory and utterly vague. Sowing more FUD, as usual.

Nothing to see here folks, move along.
Originally posted by hikatz

Big Island Video News of flooding in Hilo, amazing pictures of Bayfront!

Geeze, check out the river (at the 2:15 mark). That's some Class 6 rapids, that is.

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