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how's the weather over there? Heavy rain here!
its not any worse then the worst rain we had last year in Discovery Harbor, but there is a lot of it! [:o)] how are you Puna folks holding up?

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile
No rain in lower HPP.
Saddle road just closed because of a landslide at mile 10
Passing down pours on Rd 8 near Rd F in Hawaiian Acres GN .
The only problem I've had (so far) with flooding was driving Wed eve between Keau and HPP. If I hadn't been going really slow and monitoring the truck ahead of me I would have been in trouble. This was before they closed the right lane. Tires kind of worn. If I hadn't seen the splash from the truck ahead of me and hit the breaks beforehand I think I would have lost control.

If you must drive, I recommend edging toward the centerline and avoiding the right edge. Go slowwwwww.
The radar is showing a lot of rain mauka of Hilo, and the Wailuku is absolutely insane right now. Since 6:30PM the discharge rate has more than tripled to 82,000 cubic feet per second (the previous record was 80,200), and the river level has risen by 8 feet above what it normally tops out at during floods, to nearly 24 feet. I'd love to see what it looks like but aside from being potentially extremely dangerous, it's dark out!
and the river level has risen by 8 feet above what it normally tops out at during floods, to nearly 24 feet. I'd love to see what it looks like but aside from being potentially extremely dangerous, it's dark out!

This evening Hawaii News Now had reports from Reeds Island showing the river having already jumped its banks and was running down.. flooding.. Kaiulani Street.

There was one house HELCO had disconnected because they feared it was ready to be swept away. It is a new home that just got its final but has yet to be moved into.

They also reported that several homes were isolated and responders helped them evacuate.

In the same report the pics of Rainbow Falls were way cool. Though the falls themselves were shrouded in mist the height of the river above was impressive.
My Hawaiian Acres area is as flooded as it ever was.

I have a pond that comes and goes in my back yard when it rains hard. Over the years I have stacked large rocks at the upper edges of the pond. Seeing what rocks are covered and how high up the stack the water level goes, lets me gauge the level of flooding.

The water level are at the top rocks and equal to the most flooded I have ever seen it in my 40 years of living here in Puna.
Barely have had puddles here in Keaau... have gotten almost 25" inches of rain so far, most from Wed-Thurs, with almost 16", just under 9" from yesterday morning... so more "normal" for heavy rains around here... luckily the dry wells are able to gobble up that much!

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