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Bluetooth keyboards: repeating keys

I've tried everything I can think of other than refreshing the complete system so am hoping any computer experts here have some advice.

At home, I use a surface 2 tablet running Windows 10 along with a Bluetooth keyboard. A few days ago, whenever the keyboard was turned on, it kept sending spurious characters. I replaced the keyboard, this time it just kept sending repeated "["s. Another new keyboard sent repeated "6"s. The sign of the devil it seems.

I've tried all the obvious fixes thinking I can't have three broken keyboards: removing the keyboard from the Bluetooth connection list then reconnecting, checking for viruses, fixing any and all Window problems. Unfortunately, I can't restore the system to a date before the problem started because I didn't realize the last Windows update turned that off. If I could just restore the Bluetooth software I would do that but don't know how to do that.

Any thoughts or suggestions? I haven't found a fix on the web that works yet.
OK, I think I've fixed the problem. At least I'm able to type this without hitting the escape button every few seconds. I think it was malware which I've managed to find and delete.
Wow tom anything else ?
If ever a topic shold be self deleted..
If it was just one keyboard I'd say humidity or ants, since I've experienced both with my electronics. But sounds like you figured it out. It's possible the malware was slowing the system down so much that it was missing the "key up" signals. I have a (cheap) windows 10 tablet where the virtual keyboard accuracy goes to hell just from an over-aggressive power saving mode.
RWR: Wow tom anything else ?
RWR: If ever a topic shold be self deleted..

I've often seen threads by Punaweb members who ask for computer help, or finding a computer repair shop, or advice on internet service, cell service, the list goes on and on. RWR, how do you find this topic different than dozens of others?

I did want to thank you for a teachable moment though, on a holiday even. I never realized the etymology of the word 'should' is derived from Middle English:
That I shold loue or be familer frend, with one so irreligious, were verie rare.

Fantastique! Phantasticus!

At a White House meeting in June, President Trump reportedly told Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that “I remember Pearl Harbor.”
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I use a surface 2 tablet running Windows 10

Ah... that explains a lot. A whole lot!
Wow, glinda, never miss a chance to bait this guy, do ya?
Friends don't let friends run Windows.
I was looking at getting a tablet or small laptop just for web browsing and maybe a few apps. I don't need a huge screen but want something large enough I don't have to struggle to read. I don't need a robust operating system. What are people using these days? I did a quick look on Amazon and saw the cheaper models are running Android similar to a cell phone.

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