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Is It Normal Yet? After The Flow.
It’s early September, and finally:
Leilani Estates will allow residents back home.
MacKenzie Park is reopening.
Cracks in Hwy 130 are getting filled and paved.
Pohoiki Park is planned for reopening...

We’ve persevered, withstood, and weathered four months that turned our lives upside down, for some of us, inside out. Many can never return to their properties, some will have big changes and adjustments ahead of them. For the more fortunate, the affects have been relatively minimal.

So, are we almost back to normal? Are you almost back to normal? If not, what will it take to really get there? For me I think it may be a drive down Red Road, Kama’ili-Opihikao Road, without road blocks, then a stop at MacKenzie to take in a view of the New Puna coastline. That might be a start anyway.

Senior members of the Trump Administration described Trump's mood Wednesday as "volcanic." Wed, Sept 6, 2018
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Did the drive Saturday and again today.
When you consider what life actually is, then you have to ask what's normal?
Expecting tomorrow to be just like yesterday is unrealistic.
The universe doesn't work that way.

You have to deal with whatever comes your way.
If you can't do that, then you will win a Darwin Award, nothing more.
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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
I think it is going to take some more time for me...and we didn’t even experience the level of devastation that Leilani experienced. Living through 800 earthquakes a day can take a toll. I actually felt more relaxed and informed when I was on island than when I am off island. Maybe once I take a drive down to McKenzie and the park opens I will start feeling a bit more relaxed. But don’t think many of us will be back to normal, it is just a new normal.

Living the life in Cali and Hawai‘i
Living the life in Cali and Hawai‘i
Having tracked this eruption very closely, there is something to be said for standing on top of the lava field and looking across its many miles and wrap your mind around the new normal. Despite all of our best efforts, the videos, photos, and maps cannot capture it fully and needs to be experienced directly when one is ready.

“Change is the only constant in life." Heraclitus
I think the year 2018 is going to go down as one of the most extraordinary years in Hawaii's history. Early in the year, everyone was alerted to a missile attack. Then, a 6.9 mag earthquake followed by a volcanic eruption in the middle of a populated area. Record flooding from Lane followed and now Olivia is on the way.

People will persevere but I don't think this is a year we'll forget. And we still have four months to go until next year.
Don’t forget Harry’s gas tax!
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Originally posted by ironyak

Having tracked this eruption very closely, there is something to be said for standing on top of the lava field and looking across its many miles and wrap your mind around the new normal. Despite all of our best efforts, the videos, photos, and maps cannot capture it fully and needs to be experienced directly when one is ready.

“Change is the only constant in life." Heraclitus

Great observation.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance

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