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HPP BIZ: Part the second
Just so we don’t have go through 69 pages on the previous HPP biz thread.

Puna: Our roosters crow first
Thanks eight

Dan D

Say it isn't so........So I hear that there is going to be a meeting this Friday somewhere with the purpose of unseating our president. I can't find it posted. Is there not suppose to be a 7 day notice posted for this? Well, it doesn't take even a slugs brain to figure out what those evil power crazed nuts are up to. Here we go again. Nothing changes. The few nasty ones rule while the apathetic just keep paying for it and trust me we will keep paying. Our main roads are crumbling. That is millions of dollars to fix. Where are they going to get it? Our gravel roads are despicable but the GM is spending(yes.He can spend without any oversite)on hid pet chipseal then agribind. Both miserable total wastes of time. If he and a few had not gotten us in trouble with the state we could all have nicely maintained gravel roads. But no, money is being thrown in many directions and we have absolutely no clue to where. I am gone again but wanted to pass this along. I hope enough HPP residents care about their constantly and never ending road fees going up and the crap the majority board is up to and find out when this mystery meeting is exactly and shut it down if it is yet another illegal one.
the GM is spending(yes.He can spend without any oversite)on hid pet chipseal

First post in the "classic" thread topic, from 06/20/2015:

Pursuing chip seal in HPP should be a membership decision by vote, not by board vote.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Wow, so this is a widespread, typical operating procedure on all boards here then... It seems the same across the board and there is no enforcement by government so corrupt community boards are as free and clear as any of the other thieves. Huh. Are there any 'well functioning' boards on island that a community might look toward to figure out how to emulate that group?

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
All irregularities should be documented and recorded with independent witnesses. The IRS statutes regarding non-profits have some important regulations regarding transparency, particularly in relation to finances, conflicts of interest, and policy/procedure practices. Reporting violations can result in serious investigation.
Reporting to WHO? There are laws in place but as far as I have found so far there is very little enforcement and zero oversight of those laws. It is on concerned members to document discrepancies and oversee that important things like transparency are, in fact, occurring. And if they document and prove discrepancies and/or lack of transparency, who do they take this info to? And if that goes no where? Who is the next in the chain of command?

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Well, obviously one reports to the IRS. There is even a handy form which lists the most common violations, but also has a convenient "other" category:

A more complete list of the compliance requirements for non-profits can be found here:

A quick glance at that longer list showed two items that the HPPOA has been accused of here on Punaweb in the not so distant past. A Form 990 is required to be truthfully filed annually, and that could get interesting for them, too, but I'm tired of posting links. Look it up.

Exactly YurtGirl. Attorneys,and any governmental agency wants nothing to do with all these associations. It is a "shove it under the rug and it will go away" attitude. Ignorance is bliss for them and the apathetic members until they get their ever rising road bill or their road is almost impassible. Then of course it is of the utmost importance until they get frustrated and disappear. And so it goes on and on and on. I hope enough members get off their you know whats and show up at this illegal meeting. Stop those despicable board members. Shout right over them until they call the meeting off. It will be illegal any way.
"shove it under the rug and it will go away"

I assume you mean "shove it under the burnt-out abandoned vehicle"...

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