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National park climate change science subjugated

Dan D

My My My ... Crazy Mazie at it again. Along with a real fine list of Senators ..

Keep politics out .. Yeah, then shut up.
Moderator: Keep it Hawaii folks
Moderator: Keep it Hawaii folks
Moderator: Keep it Hawaii folks

Thanks for posting dan d. It's timely information, especially with the heat wave we've experienced this past week. Perhaps a few more people will read it, and say to themselves, "gee, do I want a future that includes this kind of weather in Hawaii for months at a time, every year?"

If you read the article:

Sen. Mazie K. Hirono led 14 Senators in urging the Department of the Interior (DOI) Inspector General Mary Kendall to investigate any political interference in scientific research or communications at the department.
“In April of this year, news surfaced alleging political interference with a report by the National Park Service on sea level rise,” the Senators wrote.

Senator Hirono of Hawaii is a leader in the ongoing struggle to maintain accurate scientific data in reports affecting the National Park Service, which includes Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. HVNP has an extensive shoreline which will be impacted by sea level rise.
One of the long standing sources (over 50 years) for data in this type of report are from measurements taken at the Mauna Loa Observatory.

On Tuesday night, 9/18/2018 Hawaii Senator Mazie Hirono had another message for the Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee “Just shut up and step up. Do the right thing.” She added in another related comment, “Bull$hit.”
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Helps in the OP if the poster includes an excerpt of the article, rather than just post a link without explanation.

Headline space in Punatalk is limited. This means readers often cannot tell if a topic a) is of interest to them and b) has Hawaii relevance.

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