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harry wants more money
I wasn't hear the last time Harry Kim was mayor I know he was love by a lot of people has he change he view on taxes it seems like every time you turn around he wants more money. Ever time you raise the get it hurts the lower income people the most.

It is not that much Low income is 50 percent of this state .Go get another part time job .Mainland much worse
Yes mam!


No news headlines: ----- HARRY KIM RAISES TAXES -------right up there with ----- DOG BITES MAN----

"has he (Harry Kim)change he view on taxes it seems like every time you turn around he wants more money." ijr

No not at all he has consistently been for raising taxes. He raised the minimum property tax from $25 to $100 in his first term and from $100 to $200 in his third term.
he has consistently been for raising taxes

What has the cost of any other item done during the same time period? Is it possible that the $25 dollars collected in 1990 is on par with $200 today? I know I don't get near as much for my money than I did back then. I imagine the county has the same concerns. If that is the case, how else would one meet their needs than raising their rates?
I've never felt taxes were a problem, unless one thinks they aren't getting their money's worth in services. That is the case here in Hawaii County. Not getting the services. The County operates as an impediment to the furtherance of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A general negative.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
As I travel between HPP and Hilo I have become aware of two things:
1. Vegetation on the median and outer edges of the highway are being mowed less frequently, and the mowed area is getting smaller. More high grass nd a smaller trimmed area.

2. Large number of landscaping machines parked un-used for days and weeks at a time. Top heavy work crews with more people 'directing traffic' and fewer engaged in productive effort.

Most of the equipment appears to be quite new, but it sits out in heavy rain, uncovered. Our local weather is not kind to parked, uncovered machinery.

I do not fault the crews, but rather there seems to be a lack of supervision, with the resulting fall off of the standard of care.
They don't care. It's not their money.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
The road work crews with more people holding signs than actually working are disturbing. I would prefer to see the crews busting a bit more tail when the sun is out.

The other problem is lots of people don’t actually report taxes. Those people are automatically disqualified from any discussion of tax use, in my book.
As I travel between HPP and Hilo I have become aware of two things:
1. Vegetation on the median and outer edges of the highway are being mowed less frequently, and the mowed area is getting smaller. More high grass nd a smaller trimmed area.

2. Large number of landscaping machines parked un-used for days and weeks at a time. Top heavy work crews with more people 'directing traffic' and fewer engaged in productive effort.

Most of the equipment appears to be quite new, but it sits out in heavy rain, uncovered. Our local weather is not kind to parked, uncovered machinery.

I do not fault the crews, but rather there seems to be a lack of supervision, with the resulting fall off of the standard of care.

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