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Need opinions - land purchase
I am looking for a small lot to put one of my adult children on to get him off of mine.[}Smile]
10k or less
Someplace where I can knock up a small cabin, composting toilet and small solar.
Close to a food and water source.

What do you think?
Is the lava flow in Leilani over for our lifetime?
How do you feel about Nanawale or Tiki Gardens?
Ainaloa has gotten so built up.
Any opinion on what the best value is right now?
I can’t afford another lot in Orchidland.

There are about 100 lots listed under $10,000 in Puna right now:®ion=Puna&city=&subdivision=&Project=&form=&tenure=&minprice=0&maxprice=50000&minbeds=0&maxbeds=999&minbaths=0&maxbaths=999&minarea=0&maxarea=0&sorttype=price&sortdir=asc
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Nanawale is out. They have CCR’s and a min sq ft building
As a mother of adults myself, and sibling to adults who were problems for my parents until the day Mom died... look up tough love options instead. 30, 40, and 50-year-old babies should get pushed out of the nest to try their own wings. Some will fly when pushed. Most, even. Some won't. It's tough on you and on the adult child, but it's the only true solution. If there are grandkids involved, different story, much more complicated. Much tougher. You have my complete sympathy, and I apologize in advance if this reply only irritates you. I can't help reading my own experiences into your post. I wish you all the peace and happiness you have earned and deserve. Make it happen.

Black Sands
Thank you KiminPL. I am not irritated. I am touched. Peace to you as well.
Here's two acres in Mississippi for $605.

That'll get 'em out of your "basement".
(you didn't' specify in Hawaii)

- grid power attracts neighbors
- good access (paved and/or close to highway) attracts thieves
- Nanavale Farm Lots is not Nanavale Estates
- easier to "get away with stuff" on a deep lot (HELCO gets expensive past 100' from the road, so neighbors will tend to be at the front of their lots)
- CC&Rs aren't automatically enforced -- but best avoided anyway

There are some obscure subdivisions out there, anyone know more about eg "Pacific Paradise Mountain View Manor", "Pacific Paradise Development Subdivision", etc?
Tomorrow morning at 0830 at Aunty Sally's is the tax auction for lots in Puna. I am going to buy (back) a lot for a friend, but there are some HPP acres with a starting bid of $2800....
Huh...there's almost 200 acres in 20-acre lots at the northwest corner of Ocean View up for auction. Wonder what the story is there...

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