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DLNR purchases L-RAD sound cannon
It is supposedly intended to be used for crowd control in remote areas. Like maybe Mauna Kea when protesters gather.

It causes immediate physical discomfort. It also can make you lose control of bodily functions. Note to self: if going to join a protest, bring extra underwear.
The real story :

The LRAD Corp. states: “The system purchased by the Hawaii Dept. of Land and Natural Resources is used for public address and emergency notifications. LRAD is not a ‘sound cannon.’ The LRAD 100X system has been used by local law enforcement agencies to broadcast evacuation notices; for instance during wildfires in Colorado last year.”

The public address and hailing system is not a weapon and is not listed in DOCARE’s use of force continuum.
Here’s another story that mentions the PA system, described by protestors as a sound cannon:

At the rally last week, one of the 25 TMT opponents seen in the photo said:
"Today we challenge UH, TMT and the state to not merely aim for what is technically legal. But for what is right, what is fair, and what is moral,” said Shelley Muneoka, with KAHEA: The Hawaiian-Environmental Alliance.

After years of claiming the TMT needs to follow the law, now a KAHEA spokesperson wants UH to do what is “right.” Presumably defined by a small minority who then misrepresent the purpose of a speaker system.

Make America Normal Again (or at least slightly more normal)
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
The usual strategy by the obstructionists: make sh** up and demand that they be proven wrong... Thanks for helping spread lies EW...
The usual strategy by the obstructionists Republican: make sh** up and demand that they be proven wrong...
Thanks for helping spread lies EW...

It was broadcast on KITV this morning and I spread no lies Geochem. Just posted what I saw on TV while sipping morning coffee. I'm sorry you woke up on the wrong side of the bed in a foul mood and feel the need to be negative. Sounds like you need some love and a hug. Have a beautiful day.
There's more of this technology on the horizon. Non-lethal crowd control. Using sound or heat.

And it can be turned on in advance of people arriving at a site to protest, climb fences, etc. One wonders if the critics find this irrelevant, that they think they have the right to proceed regardless, and then if they get discomforted/injured, they will claim inhumane treatment.

Like how some people who have been cut climbing a barbed wire fence complain. (All this new technology can also be used on a nation's borders.)
"It was broadcast on KITV this morning and I spread no lies Geochem. Just posted what I saw on TV "

So when a lie is aired on TV it becomes the truth ??

It's still a lie in my book.The video they showed was a lrad 1000 which is a sound cannon. The state bought a pa system lrad 100.

Big difference.
So when I lie is aired on TV it becomes the truth ??

It's the American Way. This is news?
It causes immediate physical discomfort. It also can make you lose control of bodily functions.

I hope the protestors expand their concerns to ALL sound cannons. Like those installed under car seats or in trunks known as "sub-woofers" but which I believe can appropriately be described as "sound cannons" when the young (usually) men who own them park their cars in front of my house, crank it to 11, and rattle my windows from 300 feet away. Even Iselle didn't have that affect.

You might ask, but HOTPE, are sub-woofers really sound cannons? And do they have the same affect as the lrad 100 purchased by the state? I would make the following comparison:

* It causes immediate physical discomfort.
Yes, it sure does.

* lose control of bodily functions.
Does the final result cause or create some form of excrement? They mostly play sh1t music, so again the answer is yes.

I would add the question, do sub-woofer cannons interfere with my cultural practices*? With the cultural practices* of people all across the island.

Cultural practice generally refers to the traditional and customary practices of a particular ethnic or other cultural group.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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