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Keaau solar farm

In an effort to increase the amount of solar energy production on Hawaii Island, juwi Inc. is seeking community input on its proposed large-scale solar energy project in Keaau. A community open house is slated for 5-7:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 21, in the Keaau High School library.

The proposed 32-megawatt photovoltaic solar array with a 128-megawatt battery storage system would generate more than 70 million kilowatt hours of electricity each year.
The project is proposed to have about 100,000 solar panels that would span 180-350 acres in Keaau.

I can hardly wait to see who objects, and on what grounds.

Well Keaau isn't really the sunniest place for a solar array unless it's close to the ocean. That would put it either on Shipman land or Hawaiian Homeland lands.
I don't understand the logic of putting something like this on cloudy AG land. Why not in Ka'u or the Kona side where there is more sun and the land is unusable for agriculture?
Shipman land off Railroad:

It appears they are looking to do this in Waikoloa as well. Good for them!
duh.. I see plenty kine logic... again, try use common sense here Mr Alaska...

#1 coastal Keaau cloudy? lol ya just like Wisconsin huh...

#2 because not many live in Kau... you would need to move the power to the east side where it is needed more ie 'bedroomKeaau's thousands of electric using people ON the grid all day long'... thousands!

#3 because you can see it in Kau.... in Keaau you will not be able to see this thing... ITS FLAT ground with heavy vegetation! Kau is coastal and you can see alot from the hwy with the little vegetation in most areas..

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
@ bananahead...#3 because you can see it in Kau.... in Keaau you will not be able to see this thing... ITS FLAT ground with heavy vegetation! Kau is coastal and you can see alot from the hwy with the little vegetation in most areas..

could via for # 1 in my view... I mean if it needs to be built at all...has the grid been upgraded? just curious
the weird argument that you can see the solar plant in Ka'u... Well, i shall attempt to address this...yeaaah, you'd be able to see it. you do realize there's like, 6 big-ass wind turbines out here, right? They are...visible. So....I uhh...don't see how that's a problem... Second, South Point's in a rain shadow. It's a literal desert out there-there are piles of sand inland next to the reddish-brown clay. So it's for a fact going to receive more sunlight than Keaau. Third, South Point has about...4 or 5 houses...with miles and miles of cow territory...there's a reason why it has wind turbines out there, because there's nobody to complain about it. As for the power not being needed here, that's true, it would get mostly directed to Puna, but there are these things called power transformer stations. They exist for precisely this reason; so that power can flow over miles of land without diminishing too much from its source. There are miles and miles and miles of unused hills and valleys and even flat, unused land out here. You could build all of that, and Ka'u would still be 90% empty.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile
TRANSMISSION LOSS - for every mile you move electricity you lose some to resistance. If you’re starting with a minimum source and no transmission lines ( big towers ) it gets pointless quick
Ka'u is all zoned Sacred, nothing may be built there.

Transmission loss is easily mitigated with HVDC, but that's different and scary, so not allowed.

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