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Dump woes
Went to Volcano Transfer last Saturday with trash, green waste and Hi5. Gate was locked, young man informing all that, "drivers no show". Went home and next morning, Sunday, went to Glenwood or Mt View, not sure of name. Same deal, drivers Pau Hana, young man say," County Broke, No Pay Drivers. I continue makai to Keaau. Transfer open, traffic backed up to 130! 2 hours later on my way back makai. I see at least 4 trash piles on back roads in Fern Forest! What is wrong with Mayor Kim and his administration? Have travelled the world and never seen such flagrant inept government. Hilo 4th world, not 3rd! 10 years ago the were talking " trash" " The Dump is full, we need to do something," Now they are trucking to Kona? Come on Guys and Girls in County, Get a Grip!! Maybe too much FEMA kick back in your 401.
I went to Keaau transfer yesterday about 4:15, no lines, no problems. Hopefully they worked it out.
They are saying they are understaffed, and need to fill some open positions. Probably good pay to wait, drive back and forth to Kona, wait some more...
The "right people" probably haven't applied for the jobs yet. Too busy doing Christmas.
"Buyer to perform own due diligence."
The Kaimu/Kalapana transfer station was open 7 days a week for decades. About 10 or so years ago it was fenced and only open 3 days a week but STAFFED with county workers and a security guard who sit around and do absolutely nothing beside lock and unlock the gate. Been watching this the whole time. For the money spent on their salaries, the dump could have been open 7 days and the risk of dengue, zika, RLW etc... would have been decreased significantly.
The unstaffed transfer stations like the one in Kaimu were routinely filled with construction debris which would jam the hydraulic trash compactors. Also, construction debris that is taken to the landfill directly is paid for by the hauler. The County was losing out on this money by allowing construction debris to be dumped without fees. I was an opponent of restricting the transfer station hours too, but I get the need for it.
Went to the Hilo dump today around 10AM and waited for almost 50 minutes in line in order to get to one of the two drop-off bins/chute. The other 2 chutes were closed. Traffic was almost backed up to Kanoelehua/Leilani intersection by the time I left. The dump trucks that go to the quarry were travelling on the gravel shoulder in order to bypass the traffic lane. I sat there in my vehicle in disbelief.
The Keaau dump is backed up with appliances the worst I've seen in over eight years.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP

Same thing at Pahoa today and the scrap metal bin is overflowing and now blocked off with rope.

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