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Bird I.D. please
So I was walking the propery line today for the first time in a while and heard a rustling, then a flash of non-green in a vertical landscape. Then gone and silent.

All I caught was black body, longish tail feathers with an almost zig zag set of white stripes on down the back. Did not see a beak or feet .. Based on color, pattern and gentle movement alone, I would swear saw a skunk.

Anyone care to venture what I saw ?

You don't mention your location, or habitat, which can be useful. I would guess it was a male Kalij Pheasant, a forest bird that spend most of its time on the ground. They are often seen paired with a brown female, and/or with 1-4 other males. Older males and females have red bare skin on their faces around their eyes; they also have long, low-slung crest feathers. They are native to the Himalayas and were introduced in 1962 to the Pu'u Wa'a Wa'a area. I think they are only present on the Big Island.

If you google Kalij phesant there are many photos, here is one. Very pretty and on the Volcanos National Parks site there are more pics.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
agree, sounds like a kalij. you didnt say where you live, but several breeding pair were released in HA a couple of years ago which are breeding nicely and many parts of area already have them. pretty birds...
Cool, Thanks you guys.

Picture below is pretty close to what I spied in the bushes. ( H.A.)

Pog your description of the black and white being was funny, it made me think of the woods *****s here in No.CA. One thing for sure the bird doesn't carry the same aroma! We can smell the skunks long before we can ever see them. I'm so happy there are beautiful birds in areas other than zoos and cages. So Happy!

Royall the link seems to work now!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

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