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SPAM during this famine?
SPAM is more popular in Hawaii then any other state.

I hate it myself, however, it is something that I would turn to if needed.

"Spam worked its way into the hearts, and arteries, of Hawaiians during World War II. Fresh meat was scarce at the time, so civilians loaded up on the brand-name C ration well known to GIs".

Now that food prices are going up... Will more people in Hawaii be turning to SPAM again?

It appears that SPAM is now becoming popular in the Mainland because of the recent increase in food prices:

Sales of Spam, that much maligned meat, are rising as consumers are turning more to lunch meats and other lower-cost foods to extend their already stretched food budgets.

So will we see a spike in the price of SPAM here in Hawaii?

Is it time to stock up?
Perhaps from my childhood when mom made fried Spam and pineapple rings, I dunno, but I like Spam. "Spiced Ham" is what the name means, and if you think of it that way, it's not so bad. Most people go "ewwww", and have never even tried it.

Like salami, bologna, or any other processed meat, I don't think I want to know what goes into Spam, or watch a video or how they kill the hogs, but (deep breath) I LIKE SPAM.

Aloha! ;-)
Aloha! ;-)
Another Island Nation consumes even more SPAM per capita than Hawaii. The British are huge spam consumers, in addition to eating 50% of the world's canned baked bean production. I can attest to both these facts based on personal experience, the favorite lunch at my school in England was a dish with BOTH spam and canned baked beans. Even coming from a place where Jello salad with colored marshmallows and cocktail fruit and chili with macaroni noodles in it were gourmet cooking, it was over the top for me. I loved fried SPAM though.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Grew up with Spam (and fried bologna too). I'm done with it. [:p]
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Specially Processed American Meat is what I've heard the name meant. If it wasn't 50% fat we'd eat more of it.

As far as stocking up goes, by all means get a case or three of it. The shipping rates are going up and the food inflation rate is way above the interest you can get on a savings account so by buying it now you will save more money than if you put the money into a savings account. What's the shelf life of the stuff? Decades or something, isn't it?

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson
Aloha all, I haven't written in awhile, but hey, Spam inspires me! I, too, grew up with the stuff, since my parents were stationed on Kauai 60 years ago. Here's a real all must know Keola Beamer, right? Well, he writes love letters (haiku poetry actually) to Spam...that's right. Here's the website of his poetry (and well worth every guffaw you get from reading them!!!):



Wherever you go, there you are.
Wherever you go, there you are.
Sorry spamalots,

Ask anyone who consciously eats healthy food. They will tell you that after ingesting food high in fat, salt, and/or processed sugar, they feel sick.[xx(]

A person who makes no effort to eat good food probably won't notice anything.
Bon Appetite!
Originally posted by Greg

Sorry spamalots,

Ask anyone who consciously eats healthy food. They will tell you that after ingesting food high in fat, salt, and/or processed sugar, they feel sick.[xx(]

A person who makes no effort to eat good food probably won't notice anything.
Bon Appetite!

Why does eating healthy often come at a financial cost and eating unhealthy food comes rather cheaply? [V]

Even the cost to grow your own food will be going up as seed prices are likely to rise!

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.
"Why does eating healthy often come at a financial cost and eating unhealthy food comes rather cheaply?"

I know what you're saying Damon. Being somewhat of a cheapskate, I fought the idea of paying healthstore prices for a long time.

My wife finally got me to make a change. I stopped eating processed flour, sugar, and 90% of dairy. (You can have my ice cream when you pull it out of my cold dead hands)

Now I can eat as much as I want, whenever I want. Whole grains, vegetables, salads, honey, fruit, nuts, a little chicken once and awhile.....

In about six months I lost forty pounds and my cholesteral dropped 25 points. (My Doc was trying to get me on Lipitor, now no need)

Spam? no thanks. Without those forty pounds, I'm catching a lot more waves.

I concur with Greg.

Since growing our own vegetables, we have saved a ton of money and eat much better quality vegies than we would otherwise.

Grow team!

Kinda like Spam btw., but haven't had any in a decade or three.
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."

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