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Shipman is closing KALOLI Point HPP
Shipman is placing very large rocks in the road to close off Kaloli point to autos. No more fishing there unless you walk. Paradise Ala Kai and F Rd. are closed and they are working on K Rd. today.
Maybe they got tired of clearing out all of the junked autos, garbage, & the squatters that drove in & set up long term camps...
I take it you mean where Paradise Ala Kai (aka PAK) peters out at the end and then goes off into the jungle? Zat what you are talking about? Because technically all those houses between Beach Road and PAK are on Kaloli Point.

And so they are closing off the part of Kaloli Point that is on Shipman left, just adjacent to HPP.

Shipman left..... is that a 'sinister' remark? (Hey folks, don't get mad... just digging up the little Latin I ever knew.....)

I know that the Shipman Development plan that was presented to the community a couple of years ago had that land slated for very eventual development (I seem to remember in the 20-50 year range) ... & they haven't really done anything with the projects they had then scheduled for 5 years out... so I really doubt that this has anything to do with anything other than reducing the vehicles .... but of course, I could be wrong...

There's access to the Shipman bay that Shipman can't cut off because
it's government property. They tried to keep the volunteers from
clearing the "road" several years ago and lost in court. They must
be only blocking access that goes through their property or they are
again "testing the waters" to see if they have the politicians in
their back pocket (as they do from time to time).
D'oh...Shipman left....I mean Shipman to the North....which is left...I think...but the point faces East..nevermind
Originally posted by Carey

Maybe they got tired of clearing out all of the junked autos, garbage, & the squatters that drove in & set up long term camps...

this sounds like the logical choice. I'm sure they are getting tired up cleaning up others trash all the time.

I've noticed that "squatters" is a big thing in HPP. It's unfortunate, but it's reality ,but it co-insides current economical climate. If you go down 14th Ave. between Kaloli & Keeau you'll notice this entire street has pockets of squatters up and down it. I actually feel sorry for the folks that have to live in this area. It's littered with trash & human waste!

It's a shame that some people just don't care about the Aina here.

"Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity."

George Carlin

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Just out of curiosity how do you differentiate between "squatters" which usually means people living on land without permission from the landowner, and people living in marginal or unsanitary conditions on land they own or have permission to be on? I know Black Sands Beach neighborhood association has been dealing with "legal" occupants living/camping without proper waste disposal, as well as tenants of a guy who rented land he didn't even own to single moms living in tents. Both situations are bad to have in your neighborhood, but they aren't really "squatters." I am not sure which is worse or harder to get rid of, squatters or "legal" campers without proper sanitation. Personally, I don't have a huge issue with people "camping" if they deal properly with their poop and garbage so it isn't a health hazard.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Personally, I don't have a huge issue with people "camping" if they deal properly with their poop and garbage so it isn't a health hazard.


I agree with you on the camping issue. But 9 out of 10 times you'll find people who defecate right next to their tents "squatters". Landowners take to much pride in their investment. I don't think you'll find them crapping on every inch of land. As for the 14th Ave. situation, it's rather easy to figure out. Human waste, trash, and foreigners who more or less hide from on coming cars tells me that they are "squatters". On the other end of 14th my good friend 'Puna Peter' lives. Several lots over on his street he had to kick squatters off his friend/neighbor's lot & house. The lot has a partly hidden cabin on it that these squatters found. Broke into cabin to sleep. But cabin doesn't have bathroom. So occupants just did their duty right outside of door!!!!

"I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong."

Bertrand Russell

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Todays Trib stated that the boulders were placed as a joint effort by Shipman & HPP due to mainly from HPP residents complaints about late night partying & drug use, & from the amount of rubbish dumped on Shipman property...

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