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HPP Traffic Pattern
Hey All,

Been here a few months and thought I would have figured out the traffic pattern coming and going out of HPP.  I figured the traffic would be mostly in the morning when leaving and then when coming back in the evening, but I have been proved wrong!

i live between Makuu and Paradise at the lower part of the subdivision and usually flip a coin on going straight out Paradise or shooting over to Shower and it seems I make the wrong choice more often than not.  The days I go straight up Paradise I get stuck in traffic all the way to Shower.  The days I shoot over to Shower I look down the highway and no one is there!  Doesn't matter what day or time it always seems to work out this way.

Should I just shoot over to Shower no matter what day or time it is and save the surprise I'll get at the Paradise/Hwy intersection? Any insight is appreciated!

Yeah. That. I've given up on the highway and cut over to Shower during the day. I feel bad for those who live on the residential streets getting this excess traffic so I alternate the streets I take as an alternative to the highway and drive the speed limit.
Certainty will be the death of us.
I only drive into Hilo during the morning hours but exiting HPP out of Shower Dr. always seems to be the quickest.
And don’t forget the “new” traffic pattern at Kaloli and 130!
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!
If you feel bad for doing the self-centered thing, maybe you should focus on that feeling and try to figure out what it's telling you.   Heart
Keep it local  Heart
We made the drive in to Hilo yesterday afternoon and at around 4:45 PM there was so little traffic. We just glided right along and only had a 10 second slowdown at the stoplight. Even reaching the mall area at 5:08 PM, there was shockingly little traffic going either way. Is that normal? We really never make the trip at that time on a weekday so we were very pleasantly surprised.
Keep it local  Heart
The people who cut through actually cause the main flow of traffic to slow down.
The light to turn off of shower and pohaku circle is controlled by the number of cars lined up on those streets.

I know it's not done here but the little town I visit in Ohio had that problem.
A police officer was assigned to manually control that light during the busy time of the day.

If they can spend a fortune on contaflow, they could manually control that light.
Traffic on a side street should not get any sort of priority over a main highway. The light is configured incorrectly. If the people on the side street (Shower Drive) had to wait 2 minutes between cycles, people would stop cutting through HPP to beat the traffic backup on the highway.
people would stop cutting through HPP to beat the traffic backup on the highway

The backup would just move inside HPP.

The real problem is that there simply isn't enough capacity, so we're just moving the lump around the snake.
"If the people on the side street (Shower Drive) had to wait 2 minutes between cycles, people would stop cutting through HPP to beat the traffic backup on the highway."

Not true. The delay on the highway can be 20 minutes or more in the middle of the day. Waiting 2 minutes at the light is a big relief.
Certainty will be the death of us.

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