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Great oil crisis info
For comprehensive oil and economic crises info go to:

Mahalo, Michael
At this point I can produce on my site biogas fuel in both liquid and vapor states for under 10 bucks a gallon: fie on your disaster.

Yeah, I burn biofuel to do it too.

Oil dropped a little the last few days. The oil sheiks don't want to hear about drilling and alternates, and are essentially bluffing us. If we do a major drill push and alternative incentive program, chances are they'll drop as fast as they went up. Success in Iraq would be the topper. We aint lost yet!
Gordon J Tilley
oil prices at $140/barrel
mission accomplished!!
I give a little more credence to the article if they weren't also selling all that other "stuff" shown on the left. Anytime there's a disaster or threat of one, there's gonna be somebody trying to make a buck off it.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Just FYI last three days on Oahu and gas was a constant $4,38 fir three days! Chevron no less!! What's up with that?

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Oil slides, dollar strenghens. It might be a hiccup,but this cold be a bottom. OPEC will have to cut back if we slow buying.
If we keep pushing drilling, and alternates, things could easily come back quickly.
Hopefully if we do, people will maintain a degree of conservation. And the gov will give more tax incentives for individual efforts.
Hope for the best.
Gordon J Tilley
Say gas goes back to $2.25/gallon. What's the incentive to conserve?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
From the first oil crisis in 73, I got into 4 bangers, been getting 25 mpg ever since. Either you accept it's going to go up again or you don't, it's a personal choice.

My question is how long are the utility co,s and gas stations going to take to get the price down to what they're paying. I hope someone noted the ratio and time frame between what they pay and what they charge us, and reduce it as quickly as they raise it.

Oil went down to 130$ today, our usage is dropping, and if we had the sense to get back to drilling, they would have to drop more.

Interesting too, Organic stores are doing poorly, people can't afford the extra cost. 4.00$ a dozen eggs?
Gordon J Tilley
yeah right, drilling is the way

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