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Starting job hunt
Well my house is done and it's back to working life where I actually get a paycheck. I am hoping to totally change careers and work with plants, such as in a nursery. I know there are plenty and will eventually make the rounds. Anyone have any hints or leads? I have no experience outside of my own gardens. I expect to be doing entry level work for a while.

Also, I know in the past people have posted about websites listing jobs, but search does not seem to be working. If you know those posts, can you please bring them forward. I know about craigslist, UH, State of HI, Herald-Tribune. Mahalo.

I have one suggestion that may help -- check out the website for Big Island Association of Nurserymen,

There are listings and contact information for all members of the org, along with info about what plants they grow. Many many of these are small nurseries -- Mom and Pops, but others are pretty large and typically would have need of hired personnel.

Also, there's the Hawaii Export Nursery Association, which actually represents larger nurseries.

If you're of a mind to look at retail nurseries, you might give Rosette's a call. Periodically they do hire.

Caveat -- this business does not pay well here. You're looking at pretty low wages in a lot of cases unless you have some specific skills.

I wish you very much luck -- we moved here 4 years ago along with our stock plants and nursery from Maui, and love being nursery folks. That said, it's not a business which brings expectations of getting rich.

Jane Adams
White Cloud Nursery
My gardener Shawn De Vaudrey lives in your area (Belly Acres?). He is branched in with people who work with greenery although I think the circus is his first love. He is really a nice guy, but you will need to catch him quick. He is leaving the island. Bye Shawn.

Gardeners are in demand on the island, especially by off-island owners. No gardener? It's a jungle out there.

Congratulations on completing your house and, you know, everything.
I have worked in Horticulture for over 25 years...done everything from owning my own nursery and landscaping company to doing shipping, propagation, sales etc. My advice to you would be to start out in a retail establishment as you will learn the most in that atmosphere. It is a great industry to be in though don't expect to get paid real well. Granted all of my experience is limited to the mainland as my house still hasn't sold! Maybe Horticulture is better respected in the islands than it is on the mainland. Good luck to you...
Well, you know what Dorothy Parker said: "You can bring a whore to culture, but you can't make her think".

That lady cracked me up.
One area to explore seriously is lettuce. Grown hydroponically, it is really doable. We only grow about 10% of the letuce used on this island locally. Everything else is shipped in. I know of one family utilizint 5 24 x 60 greenhouses, with a total of three adults each working 3 days a week. They are making a decent living and are not stressed. It is very doable if you have the capital to set up.

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Have you talked to your neighbors in the second house mauka from yours? They were doing gardening when we were living in the little house between you and them, and I think they started with the same kind of background as you have. They are wonderful guys and might even have some work for you. Certainly they would have advice on how to get started. Email me if you want their names, although I would be surprised if you haven't met yet since Seaview is such a small community. Good luck.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Aloha Carol,
Yes, I've known them for a few years now and have talked to them about the job hunt. I'm looking for something with an established company to get benefits since I can't afford COBRA. Thanks everyone else for your suggestions so far. I will probably try to make the rounds at various nurseries. Certainly not expecting to make any money beyond paying my bills and feeding myself!
Why don't ya just buy and lawn mower and some equipment and start a lawn service. I say screw working for someone.
aloha rob,

two things, i did contact those guys for a recommendation to a friend and they mentioned that they are pretty busy - you might want to pick some of their excess jobs, mostly maintenance positions.

another helpful thing i learned from a few vendors at makuu is that they work nurserys or growers as their full time jobs and do the farmers markets for supplemental income when they have extra plants to sell or get seconds/wholesale, etc....might want to try selling some on the side and also pitch your gardening services at the same time, it seems there's alot of people looking for gardening services.

also contact all the property managers and tell them you are doing gardening services to get recommendations, especially from their regular maintenance people that are too busy to take on any new accounts.


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