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Dog Fighting
Has anyone witnessed or heard what sounds like dog organized dog fighting?
I live in Fern Acres and I have heard some sounds late at night that sound like that what may be going on.
Neighbors have told me they think it goes on back on the the goverment forest reserve behind Fern Acres.
It sounds horrifing and I would like to do something about it but it is always late at night. I can not really exactly tell where it is coming from. By the time I call the police it is usually over.
I plan on calling the neighborhood watch to see if we can do anything.
Any suggestions or anyone haveing similar problems
1. Get a gun and learn how to use it. Ask a Texan if you get stuck.
2. Keep track of the time of night you hear this. It probably occurs on a Saturday about 9:00 p.m.
3. Watch for traffic heading to the location of the sound you heard. Take pictures of the license plates if you are close enough.
4. Go toward the sound.
5. Verify your suspicions.
6. Contact the Humane Society in Honolulu.
7. Tell them what you know and express your concern that local law enforcement might have connections to those staging the dogfights. Listen to their advice.
8. Arrange for a shopping trip to Honolulu. Say three days.
9. Put the gun in the car. Go back to the site of the dog fight.
10. Station yourself carefully behind an Ohia.
11. Blast the head off of the person who is the least drunk.
12. Leave quickly, and take the next flight to Honolulu. Shop, but be prudent -- this is Great Depression Two.
13. If you feel guilty, remember some humans are less valuable than some animals. If I see the Bud Lite Dog and Osama Bin Laden stuck on the railroad tracks, I am saving the Bud Lite Dog.
14. If that seems like too much trouble to you, contact the US Attorney in Honolulu and the Department of the Interior. Insist that they do something about what you suspect is occuring on Federal land.
15. This is satire and I don't mean a single word I have said above.
When we lived in Kona, I worked with animal rescue groups, we were all aware of the organized dog fighting going on, but impossible to track down, nobody talks! Everyone should be concerned, many animals that go missing, we believed are used to train the fighting dogs, get them use to the kill. If this is upsetting I am sorry, but this is a way of life for some, the cockfighting, turtles and dogs being killed for food, all illegal. I do realize that cockfighting and eating dogs, is acceptable to certain cultures. We had a 3 pet roosters at different times in Keaau, the kids came in, caught them and staged their own cockfights. The last rooster we had raised by hand, we built a large coop to keep him safe, they broke in, stole the rooster, when finished, tossed him back in the yard, all torn up and blind, broken string still attached to his leg, catching him, the fear, sounds, he was making, was heartbreaking. I held him and we took him to our vet and had him put to sleep. I am angry that this abuse and cruelty to animals/pets is going on, there is no solution to this, unless people are aware that this is happening and get involved.
I've been to a "Cockfight" here in Hawaii... I couldn't eat Poultry for a while after that.

Was amazed at how many people were there... some pretty well known.

This was on Oahu, however, I know of plenty cockfighters here on the Big Island.

At first I was disgusted with the thought of a relative fighting chickens... and then I had to remind myself that I'm now living in a different culture then I did in Washington.

I haven't been to the dog fights... but do know they go on.[V]

Just a piece of my thinking
Well got the gun's. I plan on getting a very tough pig hunting dog, to raise with my pack of dogs, mostly cockers but have an old lab,that I couldn't even think of something happening to.

You know one of those pit, mastiff, cross. I want something that will take down a 300 pound guy, or pig, (maybe one of the same).

Electric fence solar. around property.

if they get past that then they will have to contend with a really pissed off gun owner.

might sound harsh. but if you have to use your gun. shoot to kill, don't just wound them. Dead people cant press charges, and you wont be paying for their medical bills.

I personally can't stand the idea of dog fighting, since my dogs are like my children. and like my children I would do whatever it took to protect them.

I understand just as cock fighting, dog fighting has been around for a long time. its part of their culture.

In some countries they eat dog. such as Korea (ban or not) it still happens.

Sociology 101 don't judge a culture, just because its belief system is not the same as yours.

setting my soul free....
setting my soul free....
the humane society has a animal fighting reward program #301-258-1459 i would call them before you call the local office.
I don't believe that animal cruelty is a part of Hawaiian culture, per se. What some people refer to as Hawaiian culture is actually the culture of immigrants to Hawaii, and not Hawaiians. These people call themselves "locals" but their Hawaiian blood, if any, is usually miniscule. I am part Cherokee (like many Southern Americans) but I don't insist that you respect my Cherokee "culture". I belong to a larger culture. Even if dogfighting were a part of Hawaiian culture, I would not respect it or anyone's right to do this. First of all, it is illegal. Now, there are some things that are illegal that shouldn't be because they do no harm to another sentient being. Dogfighting doesn't qualify.

The dog and cock fighting culture exists in a larger culture. That larger culture says this is illegal and immoral because it causes harm to innocent creatures and fuels blood lust. Hawaii --and the world-- will be a better place when the last animal dies due to a sub-human lust for bloody entertainment. We all need to work for that day without tiptoeing around an assumed cultural difference.
They are our little brothers.
Teaching a little brother how to kill his brother is beyond cruelty.
I don't know who are the animals in this picture...
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Stillhope; the animals in this case walk on 2 legs. And Just like any other rabid animal, they should be put down right away, not jail, dead.

dick wilson
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
Glen I whole hearted agree with you, I also agree, with DickWilson.
I myself am Apache and German, bad blood to cross.

I know for myself I wouldn't in anyway want anything to do with people that treat their animals like that.

I am looking to Embrace the old Hawaiian way's. not the iced up chip on their shoulder idiots that just because the have hawaiian blood in them, that makes them superior to me. Those are not the kind of people I surround myself with.

But with that said I will not lay down my life or the life of one of my animals because they have twisted their culture into something that in my mind is just plain sick and wrong. I know that may sound judgmental but I really hope it isn't coming across as that.

I am a very spiritual person, but also aware of the dangers around me so it is a fine line to uphold my own personal values, with out passing judgment.

For whatever reason I can see both sides of the fence, I understand why people do some of the things they do. but would not a lot within my own space.

for example I can understand why someone could kill out of rage, But do I condone it . Hell no but for some twisted way I can understand what makes someone do something like that. (does that make sense)?
maybe its because I can step back and look at the whole picture and not just a slice of it, therefore I see it a little different, always me to understand. still doesn't make it right.

Your right Glen we belong to a bigger tribe, on this planet.

setting my soul free....
setting my soul free....

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