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I'm looking to purchasing a few chemtainers (enclosed catchment systems) for my home down the anyone interested in doing a group buy with me to qualify for a quantity discounts, i think we need to purchase at least 4 and i would like to get three...any takers?
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I might be interested in putting in another 1550, keep me in mind. How far down the road are you looking at?
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might also go for another. small size. if discount is significant.
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What % discount? Might be interested...
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I kinda doubt Jeff would quote a firm number without first knowing what he is selling, but I suspect something in range of 20% might be possible, emphasis on "might".
I've purchased 7 tanks from him and feel I got a very fair deal.
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i plan on building in springtime next year if anyone is thinking about this....i will probably purchase 3-4 2,500 gallon containers.
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what is the cost of one of those?
Personally I don't see the benefit. They are green plastic containers... How do you clean them? How long do they last? I suppose if you were going to put them in a hole someplace then it might be ok... I think they cost around 1500 bucks for one. I can't remember the figure and it's only 2,500 gallons so to get recommended 10,000 gallon you'd need 4.
What the heck is a VERY fair price?

Heard of very good deals but never a very fair one.
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A fair deal is in the eyes of the participants perhaps...
Why I thought I got one.
Basically, I got 4 tanks (4k gallons each) for about the price of 3 without busting my budget.
All my tanks were plumbed with 1 1/2 lines and foot valves ( I did supply these) at the factory.
Tanks were delivered no charge. While I consider Conen to be a decent guy, not having to pay him to deliver 4 tanks, 12 foot tall, 750 lbs each was welcome.
These big green tanks were not my first choice. I actually had pacific gunite out for an estimate. The guessimate for my first choice tank was 30-40 thousand dollars, leaning toward the 40 without doing an actual engineered plan. This would have given my about 15K gallon, underground tank. 2nd option was the more common, round tank. Starting at $16K for 15K gallon, additional for cover, any gound work additional. As my catchment budget was about 10K, these were non starters.
If anyone owning the more conventional galvanized round tank with liner tries to convince you these are trouble-free - RUN, AND TALK TO MORE PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY THOSE THAT OWNED ONE LONGER. The liner will leak, need to be replaced, the metal rusts, covers can be a challenge, etc. How many stories just on this forum about finding their tank suddenly empty. I believe there was even a report of a total tank collapse.
It did cost me more for 4 tanks totally 16K gallons than your more conventional 10K tank. I'll never have to replace a liner. In unlikely event I do get a hole, I suspect it would be only 1 tank, leaving 3 serviceable until I repair, if not repairable, I still have a 12K functioning system. These tanks are a closed system, I don't have to worry about bird dropping, something slithering in under the cover etc. As for cleaning. I suspect they clean same as the other kind - a pool type vacuum to suck the sediment off the bottom. Tanks are completely accessible via a manhole cover in top.
These tanks are not designed for complete burial - walls thin - potential problem with the pressure from outside if tank is empty. I do have a neighbor who buried his, leaving just the top exposed. My own solution was to recess the tanks about 5 ft into the ground. Eventually, I will plant around perimeter to hide, hopefully with something edible.
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thanks for the advise david, that was a very good analysis of the advantages to this type of system....if anyone is still interested, please email me through the forum...i'm sure if we purchase even more since i'm already in for four we will get a better break.
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Someone has two chemtainers for sale on Hwy 130. Couldnt see a price but they are on the makai side behind a sort chain link fence.