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Transcendent by Angel Pilago

"There is no contested terrain. I come from a long line of warriors and I am comfortable advocating for our land. Our mission is to change the context of conflict into a positive atmosphere, so that we can find agreements and solutions. This is not a cultural or a racial issue --- it is transcendent. This Island is your moku (canoe). You came here on your moku, most likely an airplane, because you were drawn here to the place of power. Here you need to live with limited resources and to survive with dignity as you integrate with traditional values. You are here to help integrate Pacific values into modern land use planning. This has never happed before. It is your responsibility to craft the covenants that will protect our Island and keep our Earth mother whole." Angel Pilago

Nita Pilago
Nita Pilago
Mahalo for this message.

It is a powerful statement and asks much and promises much.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I talked to my SC pals and they seem to think highly of Angel Pilago.

Any thoughts on who he would be appointing in the different departments as directors?
Aloha Kapohocat,
Mahalo for your words of hope and encouragement.
So sorry, What is SC? I don't know too much computer lingo.

As far as department directors, I can't speak for Angel, but I know he will hire directors of like minds who will represent our whole island community.

Originally posted by Kapohocat

I talked to my SC pals and they seem to think highly of Angel Pilago.

Any thoughts on who he would be appointing in the different departments as directors?

Nita Pilago
Aloha Nita,
Thanks for that.
So many times in the past 3 years when I have heard Angel talk, he proudly and humbly identified himself as Kanaka Maoli and he never fails to point out that these islands are a place for all people from all places.
People and how people make a difference. That is what I always hear him talk about. Not money. Not machines. Not power. People. He loves people!

Keep up the good work on the campaign.
You've got our support -- to da max!

btw: 'SC' = Sierra Club Wink

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

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