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Big Island Weekly endorses Pilago (9/10/08)
Kristine Kubat, editor or B.I.W., endorses K. Angel Pilago for Mayor and provides six reasons to vote for him in this article.

I have also received reports this morning that large numbers of this Big Island Weekly issue are mysteriously disappearing from news stands.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

I'll just hope that these are Pilago supporters that are planning on redistributing these to people who will read them...But somehow, I get the feeling that's not the case.

Rob, if you feel like expanding on this or emailing me your source of this report... I'd like to follow up on this a bit.[Wink]

If people need kitty litter... then they should use the HawaiiFreePress.

Thanks Rob.

Now it's more important than ever to make sure that every possible voter gets an email copy of the BIJ endorsement of Angel Pilago. I hope every reader sends an email to everyone they know urging them to vote for Angel.

The BIJ article on the Candidates and their financial supporters changed 2 votes I know of from Billy to Angel.

Today, right now, I am sitting at the Zero Waste Conference in Kona.
This morning, I rode here with Kristine Kubat. As her daughter drove us over Saddle Road around 8am, Kristine was on her Blackberry getting the reports about the boxes.

btw: Kenoi's campaign donations in the last reporting period: $135,000, bringing the total to $250,000!
Yikes! who with so much money is prepared to put so much money to getting a Mayor elected? This is not good government and is NOT in the interest of the wider community.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
The Zero Waste Conference was such a success that I only got around to reading the BIW last night, with a fish sandwish and two Kona brews by the seaside. Will do a thread on the conference a bit later.

The endorsement was good and very sound.

Actually, I reckon Justin Avery's article, 'Fine Billy', rather upstages the Editor's endorsement! Have a look.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

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