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Angel Pilago For Mayor
Both my wife and I have looked at all the candidates for mayor and have decided that "Angel Pilago" could do the most good for the Big Island and Puna and we will be voting for him

David and Kathy Hill

Why do I support Angel Pilago?

Leadership -- his capabilities and successes have been demonstrated on the Hawaii County Council, in the US Supreme Court, and in the US Army. He is an accomplished legislator, a citizen-defender of rights, and a bonafide hero.
Integrity -- the positions taken have been to get developers to pay their own way and to allow access for gathering and perpetuation of the host culture have been acts of of standing up for empowerment of those without power; and this has left him outside the power loop of the big-dollar campaign donators. He, and he alone, among Kenoi, Inouye, Higa, and himself, is not obligated to that power loop.
Our community is not well represented in that power loop.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Angel Pilago has shown leadership on the County Council and all the Community Development Plans (Puna, Kona, Kohala, etc.) will actually take effect with Angel as Mayor. Puna has been badly served, even by the Kim Administration, in department after department. We really, really need new department heads appointed to re-direct the energy on the island in a more equitable way.

To the tune of many millions of dollars the Hilo district has been quietly cornering the assets of the taxpayers for decades and leaving the other districts to languish. Many of these Kim Adminstration Department Heads are betting on Billy Kenoi in hope of keeping their jobs. We had hoped, eight years ago, that Harry Kim (as a Puna guy) would change the imbalances. He actually hasn't. Angel Pilago will. That's why the heavy status quo money is lining up with Kenoi, Inouye and Higa.

I see in the Tribune that W.H. Shipman Ltd. (for example) is betting cash across the deck on Kenoi, Inouye and Higa (and Naeole). Shipman is a very large landowner who is pissed off that the PCDP is passed and wants it shut down or modified to it's pleasure. To Shipman any one of Kenoi, Inouye or Higa (or Naeole) will serve their purposes. All are available to serve special interests. That's why the money goes there.

Angel Pilago is our opportunity to implement Community Planning. Angel Pilago is our opportunity to correct the long imbalance and dominance of Hilo over the other districts.

Vote for Angel Pilago.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

Many telephone calls made and lots of emails sent from our house to points far and wide across the island this week.
A few Kenoi votes we were too late on.
A few others we turned.
Several undecideds we turned.
Very many were already voting Angel Pilago for Mayor.

Why? Trust in his maturity and sound judgment, his leadership capabilities, and his proven record of opening government for public participation.

Angel Pilago for Mayor

it's the right thing to do!

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

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