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We bought two acres in Fern Acres ...I wondered if anyone else on the forum lives there and would know if the area would be suitable for a few goats?I have been told its too rocky for horses. Also what goes best there...our lemon tree we recently planted is not doing so good!
Thanks for the help
MUlch Mulch Mulch and it will grow!! You really need to keep it totlly mulched ... the lemon I mean.

AS to goats, they should do fine. I switched from goats to sheep (I don't want to milk and I love lambchops!).

If you decide to get a couple males, I have some for sale soon.

Keeping the females for breeding the next couple seasons.


Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

Aloha Pam!
Thanks for the tips, we planted some fruit trees but don't live there full time yet We mulched them good before we left...maybe there has not been enough rain because the neighbor told us our trees are not doing so well!!
When we are there full time we will probably get a few goats we have visions of cheese!!
Mulched them good? Depends what you mean by that. Even here where I have tons of soil, two or three times a year I spread a 6 foot round, foot tall batch of mulch around the base of each tree, and put appropriate fertilizer in it. Then it is wet wet wet here so I don't have to water.... good luck.

Once you are here full time they will thrive with only small but consistent bits of attention.


Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
The goats will love it. The rockier the better. Less triming you will have to do on their hooves. Fencing will be the toughest part. I have goats and make cheese too!!!

Aloha jade ...thanks for the info. We can't wait to move to our place in Fern Acres(just waiting for our place to sell here on Whidbey Island). Is the cheese hard to make? I had a friend who just made seems the hardest part for her was finding the goat milk. Do you live in Fern Acres?
I live in HPP. Some cheese are easier than others. I love fresh mozzarella. New England Cheese making supply has a recipe section look for 30min mozarella. You can make it from store bought milk as well (as long as it is not labeled UP ultra pasterized) Super easy to make just follow directions exactly as they are until you learn. Then you make ricotta cheese with they whey that is left. Really good!
Aloha, all,
Thought I'd jump into this thread with a goat question, if you don't mind. :o)

My husband and I have got a couple of sweet little Nigerian Dwarf goats - have had them a few months and have fallen in love with them!

All is going well, but I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for what I might plant in a "Goatie Garden". (The goats are in a large fenced pen to protect them from the dogs and the landscaping from them, but there isn't a lot of variety in plant life in there, so we've got to do a lot of supplementing with plants from the yard plus a little hay and goat chow.)

I know to stay away from the nightshade family, and to avoid avocados (or at least the leaves and unripe fruit). We've been tossing in uluhe fern, wiwi (sp?), albezia, and a few other "wild" plants that are growing on the back of the lot. Some occasional ti or banana leaves. Anyone else have suggestions? Other tasty Orchidland "weeds"?

Many thanks,
The more albizia you can feed them, the better. Very nutritious. Try sugar cane -- in particular by cutting off the top half of a stalk and feeding the leaves.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Ahhh, thanks, James,

Our goats LOVE the albizia, I'm glad to hear that it's nutritious - I was concerned they were filling up on junk food. [Wink] Will try the sugar cane suggestion.


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