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Wild pig charged me
The day before yesterday I was doing an irrigation system on the red road near Kehena.I was crouched down gluing pipe when up over a hill, (the yard is perched on a hill) came a wild male pig 125-150lbs or so. I stood up as the pig was running toward me. The pig did not stop. I was able to kick at the pig and turn to run. While I was turning I fell. While on the ground I blindly kept kicking then looked back to see the pig leaving as two guys came running to my aid. The pig did not bite, and I only brushed it with my foot when I was standing. The pig ran back toward Kehena treeline.
I went back to work and counted it as a Just when you think you've seen everything moment
Two people saw most of the encounter.
Everybody that has heard about this says they have never heard of this happening before. They say that wild pigs usually avoid human.
Go figure.


"Yearn to understand first and to be understood second."
-- Beca Lewis Allen
"Yearn to understand first and to be understood second."
-- Beca Lewis Allen

maybe the next time that you do your gardening you should be packing something other that your lunch.

The Lack
years ago in oregon it happened to me. the wild pig appeared to be charging me, but it just brushed by me CLOSE then it ran on by. did scare me though. as a child i had a cousin killed by a pig... ate on him a bit too pretty gross and my gramma always kept an eye on us kids after that one!
They won't bite. They slash. It probably didn't know you were there until you stood up. You scared it at close range so in defence it attacked. Next time bring BBQ sauce.
They are omnivores (sp?). They will eat anything but won't think of an adult human as food unless you were injured and disabled etc.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Awww, you're just so darned cute he couldn't resist!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
OMG! I'm so glad you're okay! R or M? Is this another close one for Mark? That woulda scared the crap outta me for sure!

Carrie Rojo

"You're a monster Mr. Grinch. Your Hearts an empty hole. Your brain is full of spiders - You've got garlic in your soul Mr. Grinch I wouldn't touch you with a 39 and a half Foot pole..."
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Is this true, does anyone know: historically, a genuinely huge Polynesian feral boar would weigh in at around 270 pounds ...but according to a Big Island old-timer I spoke with, over the last hundred years or so in Hawaii there has been so much gene-mixing between the relatively compact feral and larger domestic breeds of swine (such as Berkshire hogs and so on) that now a full grown boar can weigh as much as 800 pounds. Is that true?

On my great-grandparent's ranch there was such a great distrust of domestic pigs that they were phased out of production by the time I was born. My grandparents and parents spoke of swine with loathing, saying the pigs would eat babies if they came upon them and if a child or even an adult fell into the big swine pit (an enormous cement pit set about five feet below ground level with a barbed wire fence all the way around it) then s/he would never get out alive. (If I was kept down in a foul cement pit and fed buckets of slop then the farmer might not get out alive if s/he fell in with me, either).

All of the pet Sus domestica and the one tame Sus scrofa (a black feral jungle pig raised by hand as a pet) I have met personally have been very pleasant creatures, even charming, but they were treated as members of the family. Clean, friendly, intelligent, and better-mannered than most dogs. The black feral jungle pigs I have encountered running wild in Puna forests so far have weighed between 10 or 20 lbs (piglets) and maybe 50 to 70 lbs (adults, including the adults with piglets) -and have all run away as soon as they spotted me. The one tame pet black jungle pig I have met, however, at three years old now stands about 30" high by 4' long and weighs about 400 lbs. Could he really be only half-way to his full weight? Twice as large as he is now would be genuinely gargantuan. He enjoys having his ears scritched.

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"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."

Pres. John Adams, Scholar and Statesman

"There's a scientific reason to be concerned and there's a scientific reason to push for action. But there's no scientific reason to despair."

NASA climate analyst Gavin Schmidt

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Typo correction edit in red- inches, not feet on the height!

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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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How do you stop a Pig from charging?

You take away his credit card.[Wink]
I have heard that the pig roaming Hawaii today is a mix of the relatively small and deferential polynesian pig brought by the ancient hawaiians and the large and fierce european wild boar brought later for hunting, with feral domestic pigs thrown in. As such it can get up to a few hundred pounds but is usually less than 200 lbs, probably due to limited diet and early mortality in the wild. "Runs from people" is kind of an anthropomorphic thing. They are not stupid. They associate people with guns and dogs and getting hunted. They will run away if that works, which is most of the time. They will run through or over you too. Stomping or slashing you is just a perk, one they don't seem to indulge in that often, probably due to the fear of dogs and guns. They rip up dogs routinely, usually when the dogs corner them.

Perhaps the pig felt cornered. If he couldn't run away the next best thing would be to run through you and keep going, which he did.
Hey Oink--do you bite, or do you slash? :-)

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius

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