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Internet Service - How To?
My new yurt home will be erected this month and because my business is Internet based, I am anxious to schedule cable, DSL, or whatever -- ASAP. I can't get through to Roadrunner because I don't have an 808 area code phone number. I did send them an email, but because they asked for my account #, I doubt there's a response coming. Since the phone company Telecom is going out of biz, seems like DSL may be a problem. I've heard of running computers by solar, but I really don't know what to do. Please help! [?] [Sad]

I'm tempted to rant about the pain of acquiring new services in Pahoa, but will spare all who read this. It's 21st century amazing!

Delia Montgomery
d/b/a Chic Eco
Environmental Fashion & Design ~ Consultant & Broker
Delia Montgomery,
I had no problem setting up Internet service with Oceanic and not having a phone...

Transplanted Texan
"I am here to chew bubble gum and kick some *** ... and I'm all out of bubble gum"
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
Hey Delia -

Melissa (AKA Yurtgirl) on here knows a lot about yurts. Aaron and I know a few things about cable.

The actual problem you are facing, is that the phone you are currently using won't reach the 808 area code. I had a problem with my Hawaii Telcom Phone on Oahu not allowing me to access 888 numbers.

Simple solution, find a phone that does allow 808 numbers problem solved. It doesn't sound like an Oceanic problem at all so if there is ranting to be done... it's at your phone provider on the mainland.

Remember, once you get the automated message at Oceanic... Your still going to be messing with their automated system for awhile.

It still might take 2 weeks or longer to get your installation set up. I'm not even sure where you are moving to at this point. Does Oceanic even go to your location?

Ranting won't get you anywhere on this island when it comes to getting things done.

In the meantime, if need be to keep your business running, there are a few internet cafe's that can keep you going for awhile.

Nice website btw.

My Blog
I filled out a form online with Time Warner Oceanic from my home in California. I left my California cell phone number. They were able to get the phone/net/tv service up and running very quickly. First check to see if there is cable in your area. I think you can do that online, too.

The only hitch was they specifically called when I told them I would be unavailable, so I played phone tag with the lady for about three days. I won. She was very nice though. On Oahu.
Another option that few people seem to be aware of for internet service are the wireless broadband cards that you simply pop into your laptop computer. It gives you internet service whereever you go...well almost. It works using the cell phone system so anywhere you get cell signal you are go to go. It even works in the deepest darkest jungle of Fern Forest and at the desolate uppermost portion of HOVE subdivision. The only dead spot I've found on the island is down in the Kalapana area. I use a Verizon card and pay $59/month.
I use the Verizon card, as well, with great results. Fast, also.

Mark can't wait.
Mark can't wait.
Discovered no cable. Location is Nanawale. Phone co. said I need temp electric pole up first, then DSL.

HELCO put me on hold forever, so I'm waiting for email reply from my online form submission. Yep, need that pole regardless of Internet.

Seems best to hold out for DSL than use my cell phone. Feedback on that assumption welcome!

Delia Montgomery
d/b/a Chic Eco
Environmental Fashion & Design ~ Consultant & Broker
Delia Montgomery,
I'm with the guys on the cell-card. I use ATT and I'm typing away on that at the moment. You'll be hooked up in just an hour or so and the card goes with you to other computers if need be.
Cell-card in lower beaches....
ATT- just barely works....
Sprint - slightly better than ATT but not very fast.

I would not consider ether usable...Dial up would be more reliable.

Transplanted Texan
"I am here to chew bubble gum and kick some *** ... and I'm all out of bubble gum"
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii

*cough* [xx(]

HawaiiTel can stay bankrupt for all I care!

My Blog

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