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Frank Lefrandt on the run, Dog chasing
Happened to be watching the news last night and saw an interview with Dog the Bounty Hunter. Of coarse he was hyping his new season on TV and wants to kick it off with the capture of Frank Lefrandt. Dog has information that “pervert Frank” used a credit card in Santa Anna Mexico and is on the run somewhere in Mexico or Central America. He has been there in the past with some church group or another. He speaks Spanish and may find it pretty easy to hide and practice his perverted trade on some Latin American young boys.

I hope that Dog will take the “bull by the horns” and maybe kidnap this child molesting fugitive where ever he may be. Return him [legal or non legal] to Honolulu and “go see the judge” If Dog dose that he will become my new hero and I will even start watching his show.

Rob, I hope that you don’t lock down this thread because I don’t think it will become warm and fuzzy, and for me to actually advocate “non legal means” will surely draw some negative responses from other do-gooders.

The Lack
The church group he is with is the Church of Latter Day Saints, aka the Mormons.
They would LOVE to see Dog back in Mexico! Isn't there a bounty on him there?

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

"Chapman also discovered in his research that LeFrandt had served as a Mormon missionary in neighboring Gutaemala 30 years ago, so he is very familiar with that part of the world and speaks the language."

Glen, and why does it matter which church group he has been affiliated with?

Because it is important to remember that wolves sometimes travel in sheep's clothing.
So, is it your belief that that Mormons are wolves in sheep's clothing? Is that what you are trying to say? I just want to be clear.
Gloria, I can't speak for Glen, but I interpreted it as the Mormans being the sheep and LeFrandt being the wolf.

Originally posted by Gloria E

So, is it your belief that that Mormons are wolves in sheep's clothing? Is that what you are trying to say? I just want to be clear.

What's with this forum?[V] Gloria why are you questioning so intensely? Loosen up a bit[Smile] You should realize there are many different types of Mormonism - like anything else, there are people that do good and others that... well... let's just say ... not as good. Then you have the Warren Jeffs of the world that defy all law and order. I think this statement in regard to Mormons being wolves in sheeps clothing needs to be taken with a grain of salt. (Like most everything else in life) Of course no one in the world would make a blanket statement like this to label all Mormons as evil. Neither would any normal individual accept this statement as literally implying all Mormons are evil. Whether Baptist, Catholic, J.W., Islamic, Judism, they all have their rogue characters that use their religion as a cloak for wrong doing.
Bring religion into the discussion and I guarantee that somebody (and sometimes everybody) will get pissed off.

On a lighter note, my grand-nephews were watching "Dog" one day when my 83-year-old mother walked into the room. After watching Beth and Dog interact for about five minutes, Mama said, "Oh, they're giving white trash their own shows on TV now. It's a comedy, isn't it?"

Too funny Jerry!!!!


What goes around comes around!


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