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centepede bite - helpful advice needed
Well I got my first centipede bite and it hurts bad. What to do? Advice needed.


Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
Hi Andrew, using Search I found this from JerryCarr :

Those stinging caterpillars are the bane of my garden existence, and they are particularly bad right now. One thing I have found helpful, other than the obvious need to avoid them, is to keep some baking soda handy. If you rinse off the sting with running water and then apply a paste of baking soda and water, the inflammation tends to be less severe in my experience. I think the soda neutralizes the acid component of the sting and/or draws the toxin out of the skin. Once the paste dries, gently brush it off and rinse again. This only works if you do it within a minute or two of the sting. If I don't do this, I end up with blisters the next day.

Hope it helps!
1. Chop extremity off.
2. If that doesn't work see page 41 here

3. See 2 and if 2 doesn't work see 1.

After doing 1. go to Hospital.

Best of Luck
Thanks guys. Been stung twice by scorpions here on the BI but this is the first time by one of these devils. Pain is extreme. Ice is helping.

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
Golden shower?

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
You could try a few things to see if anything helps. Wash remnants off carefully between each try so they don't get mixed. You may find a cure.

cold water - hot water - baking soda - urine - vinegar - honey

But if it's too long ago then maybe painkillers and ice is the best thing.
The best thing that has helped for a centipede bite has been a purchase of porcelain clay. Make a slurry and apply IMMEDIATELY, let it dry until it cracks up on your skin. It pulls the venom out.
I was dinged in the back by a medium brown one. It hurt and left a welt, but the pain was gone the next day. I was also "scratched" by the sharp nails of 2 small blue ones; one on a little toe and one on the knuckle of a pinkee. They itched bad for a few days and that was about it. So relax. It's something you can tell your friends about.

I also spoke with a person who had a red one run across her face while she was sitting on a couch, minding her own business. It didn't ding her.

These creatures are aggressive predators but they're only out looking for chow, and if you don't mess with them, they won't mess with you.
I'm kind of alergic. If I scratch, it's all over; massive swelling, pain, more scratching, infection. So what I do is take an antihistimine and a pain killer right away and try and head off the scratching urge. These critters are truely evil. I got bit once on the wee wee by a baby one while sleeping. Evil !
Originally posted by Greg

I'm kind of alergic. If I scratch, it's all over; massive swelling, pain, more scratching, infection. So what I do is take an antihistimine and a pain killer right away and try and head off the scratching urge. These critters are truely evil. I got bit once on the wee wee by a baby one while sleeping. Evil !


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