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Using the Internet on County Time... Investigation
Rumors have been flying... It's been confirmed.

I'm curious what sites they will eventually deem illegal, not worthy of county time... etc.

Are they going to say visiting the Hawaii Tribune is Legal... but visiting someones Blog is not?

This is going to be very interesting how this pans out.

FBI Blogs
what next?
Invading the privacy of county workers parked in their trucks napping on Hilo back roads?
Unless their job entails on-line research or other work-related internet activity, they don't have any business visiting ANY websites on County time.
Easy fix... Remove Internet access from their workstation... or setup a web filter that only allows access to approved sites..
This technology has been around for many years and can be setup quickly and maintained easily.

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
Not so fast Jon.

Who makes the determination of what is a good site to visit and what isn't?

Why is the Local Newspapers per say any better then some blogs [B)] or "Blog sites".

And trust me... most of the county servers already have filters on it where you can't access chat rooms/porn sites/gambling/etc.

I had to specifically request the Dept. of Education to lift my blog from their "ban list" to give access to Public Schools throughout the State.

At least they deemed my blog worthy of being accessed by "Kids" by their standards.

However, they still can't access any Educational Youtube videos that I might want to post at sometime.

FBI Blogs
I suspect that for the county workers, the issue is not censorship of information but control of play during paid work time.

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"


Right answer.

Surfing at work is the same as sitting with your feet on the desk and reading a book.
Doesn't have anything to do with whether the site is good or not.

Damon thinks it's all about him and it's not.
Obie -

So much to learn... but thanks for the personal attack. I'll remember that one.

I guess you've never had a job that relies upon the internet for business or money.

Some county officials actually get paid to surf the internet and post blogs... can you say Hunter Bishop?

I actually get paid to surf the internet from home and blog about it as well.

Thanks for your perspective on things.

I believe Censorship is actually playing apart in it.

In case you don't remember... The Big Island Press Club recently handed out the 2009 Lava Tube Awards to Department of Public Works spokesperson Noelani Whittington for specifically attempting to keep information from "Bloggers".

Do you think they want their county employees reading some blog that is slamming their prospective boss... whether it be Mayor Kenoi or Noelani or some project that is costing taxpayers Millions of dollars of wasted money?

No employer wants their employees reading stuff that could possibly be bad about them.

Damon Tucker's Blog
FBI Blogs
Which educational videos are those, Damon? The ones you post of street brawls?
Gee... been so long since I posted a KO (not street brawls... RANDOM KNOCKOUTS... could be a fight could be an accident... could be educational as I showed a few Science Experiments blow up as well) ... I might have to start doing it again. Think the last time I posted one of those was over 2-3 months ago.

You choose though... My most recent educational video was about a Pig Trap that actually worked yesterday:

Educational value is another discussion... what is educating to one person... might not be so much to another.

Earlier tonight... I posted a Video about Roger Christie and Weed Laws... Some might say it's educational... others might say it's crap... But the County Certainly probably wouldn't want employees viewing it.

This is just two videos in the last couple days.

I'm not the one to determine educational value... that is the point of things...

What is educational to one person... might be junk to another.

Or would you prefer to see video of the Pahoa Basketball game or Girls Softball games? I have those as well.

Damon Tucker's Blog
FBI Blogs

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