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Stimulus projects
You can vote on county stimulus projects here:
Why bother ...Hawaii is getting alot less than they thought they could. Hawaii will be getting 678 "million" worth of stimulus which is about 1/4 of what they could use and about 1% of all the money available to states. And it looks like most of it will go to Oahu. Of course I'm sure we'll get something here on the Big Island...but not enough to significantly impact the Big Island Economy.

The $800.00 tax break is nice.... though smaller than last years $1200.00. Which means for me that I can just barely buy my plane ticket this summer. Last years stimulus... I had enough for the ticket and the rental car.
There could be a number of ways to gauge how much funding Hawaii "should" get I guess.

With a bit over a million people on a per capita basis 1% would appear to be generous and in keeping with the historic take for Hawaii in the way of federal funds.

I have heard that, and can't say I know it for a fact, that Hawaii generally gets back $1.50 to $2.00 for every federal dollar collected in taxes.

But voting on the web site posted seems to be of little purpose except perhaps entertaining.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

...except perhaps entertaining.

It seems the whiners here are really only on about entertainment, a.k.a. imagined tragedies.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
this isn't going to do a bit of good. as long as 'outsourcing' jobs to india, china, mexico etc.. is acceptable... we all are screwed.. and no stimulus package is going to do a bit of good. levy fines for jobs outsourced, give credit for jobs created, and maybe we can turn this around, otherwise those greedy corporations are going to ship our way of life to the frickin moon, and we all better get used to the idea that a job for minimum wage is all there is going to be. if you buy at walmart YOU are the problem YOU are killing america, and greedy corporate bosses will love YOU!
Hey Dakine, I have some overpriced stuff around my house that you can buy. I'm American. Do you want to overpay me for it? I'll even hire another American to handle the sale as long as you pay me double. The reason most people shop at Wal-Mart is because they are trying to stretch their dollar. They don't have the luxury of overpaying for something due to some agenda. Wal-Mart helps everyone. If anything we need more competition to make prices even lower. Those that can't survive need to find another source of income. We can't all just expect to be taken care of all of our lives. Those that take risks, work harder, and perhaps have a little luck after many tries will do better than others. THAT IS WHAT MAKES AMERICA GREAT. And BTW, most Americans don't want to do the kind of manufacturing jobs that are being sent overseas. There is example after example of companies who tried to keep their manufacturing base local until the unions strangled them to the point of near-bankrupcty. . . finally the jobs are gone, and everyone still can't figure out WHY it happened. The jobs are leaving because people here don't want them. They want to sit on their butts and draw an easy paycheck 'til they croak.
there ya go ric.. proved my point.. I hope youre happy with your crap.. and the loss of them jobs.. though someday I suspect you'll be complaining about it.. probably when you can't sell your home for anywhere near what ya paid for it.

as to not knowing why them jobs went overseas? aint it clear.. greedy corporations.. low wages for the workers.. major bucks for the boss.. pure and simple
How did I prove your point? You just repeat what you read on bumper stickers and think it's true? And what does this have to do with the value of my home? If you want to make some of that $$ that the greedy corporations are apparently making, you can buy stocks and share the $$? But I'm guessing you'll just sit your butt on the sidelines and continue complaining. Your ideology is the problem that is killing America. Just demand everything and do nothing. Why don't you get off your butt and open a business and pay everyone whatever you want? I guarantee you wouldn't do any different than the big corporations, at least if you wanted to stay in business.
wow ric you are one angry SOB... you might consider therapy!
Okay, back to the Governmental stimulus projects proposed for Hawaii County. I find three of interest:

1. Construct police station in economically disadvantaged Pahoa village next to new fire station to centralize public safety services in an area visible and accessible to the public. Hawaii County HI 100 $4,600,000

2. Hawaiian Paradise Park Subdivision District Park, development of 20-acre park site in rapidly growing subdivision with severely underserved recreational needs in an economically disadvantaged area

3. Installation of solar energy systems in homes for very low income elderly and disabled homeowners; Island of Hawaii has some of the highest electricity rates in the nation.

4. Gymnasium and recreational center in Pahoa.

I am totally in favor of the police substation, and you should be, too. I am not sure about the park in HPP -- I would rather have a mixed use commercial center/recreational area. I mean, 20 acres is pretty big for a park, and parks tend to attract bad people these days.


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