03-11-2009, 09:05 PM
One of my hobbies is postulating which start-ups might work here on the Big Island. Here's one for the right person and feel free to add to this list...
>Commercially Packaged Growing Mediums<
Everytime I go into that magnificent Wal Mart that we're lucky enough to have here in Hilo I pick up a couple of the large bags of potting soil. And I pay attention to the amount the store sells week to week and it's a lot. The main seller is 'Super Soil' produced in Marysville, Ohio and reading the label one notices it contains compost and 'forest products' which of course we have [potentially] in abundance here. I'm wondering if a small amount of iornwood leaves could be added to a basic formula --- in lieu of peat moss (which is also acidic).
The point I'm making is that if I were to walk into Wal Mart and have the choice of purchasing either 'Supersoil' (which for the price is a fine product), or, a locally produced product at a comparable price... I'd pick the locally produced item. I know there are some locally produced brands but they are not viable since the 'Super Soil' brand is getting the market share at least right now. Of course start up costs would be high so in most cases the old addage of "starting small" would come into play here.
>Commercially Packaged Growing Mediums<
Everytime I go into that magnificent Wal Mart that we're lucky enough to have here in Hilo I pick up a couple of the large bags of potting soil. And I pay attention to the amount the store sells week to week and it's a lot. The main seller is 'Super Soil' produced in Marysville, Ohio and reading the label one notices it contains compost and 'forest products' which of course we have [potentially] in abundance here. I'm wondering if a small amount of iornwood leaves could be added to a basic formula --- in lieu of peat moss (which is also acidic).
The point I'm making is that if I were to walk into Wal Mart and have the choice of purchasing either 'Supersoil' (which for the price is a fine product), or, a locally produced product at a comparable price... I'd pick the locally produced item. I know there are some locally produced brands but they are not viable since the 'Super Soil' brand is getting the market share at least right now. Of course start up costs would be high so in most cases the old addage of "starting small" would come into play here.