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HPP Special BOD Meeting Tuesday, May 5th at 6pm
Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners Association

NOTICE AND AGENDA for April 1, 2009

Notice is hereby given that there will be a special meeting of the Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners’ Association Board of Directors at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 in the Hawaiian Paradise Park Activity Center’s Library on Maku’u Drive in Hawaiian Paradise Park Subdivision, Kea’au.

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of the Agenda

IV. Owner Input

V. Special Business

A. Opening of Re-Bids for 1st, 16th, and 19th

B. Specifications for Repair/Resurfacing of the Main Roads

C. HPPOA President’s Resignation

D. Current Problem

VI. Adjournment of Board of Directors’ Meeting

I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.
Wow...The president of HPPOA resigns! Wonder whats going on there? This one should be very interesting to attend.
Uh-oh. This can't be good. What does the President see? I hesitate to put my thoughts in print.
I would think the agenda item "D. Current Problem" might have something to do with item C.
Just looked at HPP website. Frank Annin is now HPPOA President (was Vice President) from District 9 (covers Paradise (Pahoa side) to subdivision boundary (Pahoa side) from the ocean through 8th street).
I also wonder what the problem is. Jeff Spaur was president until just recently and just for a short time I think. The only time I saw him in action I thought he was doing a good job. I attended the open meeting (Oct or Nov 2008??) and was impressed with how the board was finally getting the paving off the ground and seemed to have a plan. Wasn't Frank Annin the president before Jeff? Or was there someone else? They sure don't seem to last long - must be a thankless job.

Yes - Frank Annin was the President before Jeff Spaur. When Frank was President, Jeff was Vice-President. Before this CHANGE, Jeff was President and Frank was Vice-President. It appears that Jeff Spaur did not only resign from the Presidency but the Board as well. Currently there is no Vice-President.

According to the minutes of theMinutes of the HPPOA Board of Directors Special Meeting of March 17, 2009 - neither Frank Annin nor Jeff Spaur where in attendance.

Before the March 17th meeting District 8, Board position was vacant - Now Rod Thompson is filling that vacancy and District 5, Board position (Jeff Spaur's former District) is Vacant.

Anyone at the March 18th meeting?

Does anyone know whats going on i see they posted part of the hui hanalike court case on the hppoa website?

it sparked my curiosity, does anyone know if there's a copy of the whole thing anywhere especially the circuit court part
A friend was nice enough to point me to this forum and these postings. I'm the Jeff Spaur referenced in the postings and yes, I resigned and yes, Frank did take over until elections in June.

I reluctantly resigned due to a major conflict with my real estate company and the HPPOA, caused by some absolutely horrid information given to a Buyer of a 1st Ave. lot where we represent the Seller. This caused one of our transactions to fall apart and needless to say it was not pleasant for the Buyer or Seller.

I can live with thankless, but not potential sabotage by HPPOA because of my association with HPPOA and the direction your BOD was taking. I owe a higher loyalty to my clients and that was the call I had to make.

The BOD I served on was very professional and in the last few months we became more focused and aligned, perhaps that is why the sabotage.

Please support your BOD as they are navigating through some treacherous waters and they need the understanding of the community.


Jeff Spaur
Aloha Jeff,
As someone who has attended many meetings and observed your service on the HPP Board, I can only say I feel that your resignation is a real loss for the community. You have been kind enough on several occasions to take the time and effort to personally explain some issues to me. You have also taken a sensible approach to what is the almost impossible task of equitably dealing with the very difficult paving situation. There are no easy answers, and I believe that the current Board is an improvement over most we have seen.

While only you can judge your tolerance for the sort of behavior shown by some persons in the HPPOA, I would just like to point out that such people are in all likelihood secretly happy about your resignation. There are elements there that do not want positive leadership, and I wish we could simply refuse to let them set the agenda. I don't know what is worse, the people who constantly complain but refuse to participate, or the people who choose to participate on a continually negative and destructive basis. I guess I don't have much use for either.

I will be at Wednesday's Board meeting, and I will miss you.

With regrets,
Jerry Carr, the guy in the Texas Longhorn cap.

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