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HPP Cave

Has anyone seen the cave described in the above link? I know someone who has. She saw it when she first moved to HPP in the 80s. She said it was still full of human bones.

I've found human remains near my property before. Has anyone else?

Pretty interesting site! Thanks Bystander.

My home in hawaiian beaches backs right into the opening of a lava tube, if that isn't scary enough. one friend/handyman was doing some work on the back portion and fell into a hole up to his hip. Fortunately no-one has access to the inside which i think would be a huge liability if people start trapsing all over in the dark.


I have a crater off the back line of my property in Leilani that is over 100 feet deep. Pretty impressive.

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
Does anyone know of a cave expert or guide in Puna or Kau area? I read the 30 year old article with great interest that Bystander posted. Our vet's assistant, an Oahu transplant, explored many caves near South Point area when she was a keiki visiting grandparents on the BI, but she was too young to remember much about the where's and how's. Of course I would do so with respect for the aina and Hawaiian artifacts and burials. This is part of a setting for a teen novel I'm working on. We won't be there till mainland winter, hopefully December.


That cave mentioned earlier in the thread is actually part of the longest lava cave in the world, the Kazumura cave system. It extends from the volcano all the way to HPP. I have met some people in Fern Forest who conduct tours of the cave for a modest donation of $10 per person.

There is an opening in Hawaiian Acres as well pics can seen on the website.

Aloha HADave

Aloha HADave & Mz P

Hawaiian Acres

The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.

There's another opening in Orchidland, I believe near Aulii Drive. There used to be a tiny sign on a utility pole saying "cave". I assume they were giving tours there too. I've heard there is a large cave under Hawaiian Beaches called Pahoa cave, and burial caves under Leilani.

The HA website shows the name as Kazimura Cave. The correct spelling is Kazumura.

The HA site go to the enviromnent section and at the bottom you will find the cave pictures. They are super, what a fun time it would be to explore this cave. The HA community has monthly meetings of caving people. Wow.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

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