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Unconcious lot owners
This post is a spin-off of the 'Bad Punatics" post.
I read the post, the comments, saw the photos on YouTube... AND I NEED TO COMMENT, SO HERE IT IS... AND, YES, I'M SHOUTING!

NUMBER 1. This all happened back in April, and when you click on the YouTube link, both links, we, I, me, whoeva, is supposed to focus on the 'Bad Neighbor'. Well I did. And that so called neighbor is a classic jerk. Triple Classic Jerk. Etc. But what is REALLY ABSOLUTELY TOP OF THE LINE AND MAJORLY IMPORTANT IS THAT THROUGHOUT THAT YouTube clip is the sound of a woman asking for help.

Number 2. Does the man photographing the Bad Neighbor, and this guy is more than a Bad Neighbor, he's an out of control JERK, but does the man even hear the woman, the woman who is obviously with him, lying on the ground, crying, asking for help, asking him to call the police, over and over again, DOES THIS JERK PAY ANY ATTENTION TO HER?

Number 3. It doesn't matter if it is a man or a woman on the ground pleading for help. It is a human!!!! Get it? A human being, hurt, in pain, unable to help herself (insert himself if that would help you), and the whole result of this pitiful post is an extended chat? Something is missing here. Like humanity.

Number 4. So, this extended event is soooo important to the man with the camera that his main objective is to photograph another AH on the opposite lot while a woman (insert man) is crying and pleading for help. At the very least, over and over again she asks about calling the Police.

If the first order of business is to have dueling cameras while a human being is on the ground calling for help and you post it on YouTube, then who ever you are, never live in my Puna neighborhood.

If the First Order Jerk is a tenant, stop the collective whining. If you recognise this person, if you know the Lot, get on line to the Assessor's Office, get their assistance, locate the Property Owner and let them know their tennant is a Clear and Present Danger to the Community. Do it by Registered receipt requested mail. And TELL ALL THE NEIGHBORS, TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW, ON THE ROAD, IN THE MARKET... SPREAD THE WORD... we don't treat people like this.

Last, if the woman lying on the ground pleading for her 'whatever', certainly NOT a MAN, to call the police is still with that man, get your sweet butt into counseling.

If it was a man in the same situation I would say the same.


while I agree with you 100% about the impact of the video, and felt the same,
msmoto posted to say that she wanted her husband to keep videotaping, I guess to keep documenting the incident.

She also explained the bad neighbor is an adjacent landowner, not a tenant.

However, when I shared the video with someone who hadn't read any of the posts, that's exactly how he felt about it. Go help the woman who is in distress; that is the priority. So I would say that the video fails in its purpose somewhat, because it makes the husband look and sound bad for not putting the camera down and dealing with the distress. I mean, she is right there. It is very very disturbing to have the crying go on and on with nothing being done by either of the men.

When it is explained, one understands better, but ideally the video would speak its message without the need to explain why she remains on the ground pleading.
Agree !000%,

The 'guy' filming is inhuman and is not worthy of his male appendages.

a real man.
I don't have a dog in this fight, but I have to also agree that my impression of the video focused on the woman's unanswered pleadings, and not so much on the two guys at the fence. If that were my wife on the ground, I just can't conceive that my attention would be anywhere else.

Oh, and once I had attended to my wife, that guy next door would've been on the ground.

Aloha pumehana,
Brian and Mary
Lynnwood, WA\Discovery Harbour
Aloha pumehana,
Brian and Mary
Lynnwood, WA\Discovery Harbour
it seems to me, after watching the video, that the whole drama was 'staged'. not to say it wasn't 'real', but we never see how the woman got on the ground in the first place, we do see that all parties go on and on.. angry man, camera guy, hurt woman on ground pleading for help.. all three over and over.. as if it was a one shot movie in which the editor would eventually edit it down to the few seconds he or she wanted. most disturbing to me was the obvious 'for the camera' 'acting'. camera's have a way of doing that to drama queens and kings. sort of like people that have seen way too much 'reality tv' and have forgotten what reality is really like. really hurt people.. the woman... wouldn't act like that. really caring husbands.. wouldn't act like that.. angry neighbor wouldn't.. well agree neighbors can only go on like that if they are being given the attention they crave. there'd be nothing to go on and on about if the camera guy were to have given help to the hurt woman, and been gone from the scene seeking the medical attention she suggested (by her actions) that she needed. that movie was staged for the benefit of the viewer.. to solicit our attention.. to insight our emotion.. and had very little to do with the situation 'on the ground'. not to say the whole scene was not grounded in reality.. could be something that boiled over from several previous encounters.. but to take it all to the end we see in the video.. had a lot to do with ratings methinks
I have to agree with Barbara and dakine. There is more to this than we have read about here and seen on the video.

If I had ignored my wife like that, I would now be divorced. I also wondered why the guy went out there with a video camera to begin with?
Mahalo Dakine,
It is quite possible this was a scam of sorts. Thinking about it further, "The Husband" pays absolutely NO attention to the wife, who's on the ground, and complains about her ankle and pleads for him to call the police. "The Husband" has a camera, and one would think a cell phone. He treats her like she does not exist... he walks around with his camera, I'm assuming stepping on and over rocks, vines, you know DaKine, and he pays her no mind... she is invisible, not even dirt, but he gets 2 video's on YouTube.
Lady, if this is NOT a scam, leave this guy, you're hanging with a loser.
I'm happy to report that I know the victim and she is nothing like what you are depicting.

Taking action with a video camera is often times the BEST ACTION you can do in a situation like this.

I'm not even going to add to this trashy thread any more.

I know the person that was involved, and she wouldn't scam anyone.

Damon Tucker's Blog
FBI Blogs
You don't read right, Damon.
If you know this woman, get her help!!!
Lying on rocks, complaining of a hurt ankle, and the Jerk --- with a camera IGNORES HER?
GET A GRIP DAMON, life is caring about others, not Blog posts.
Help Her.
I'm asking everyone else who is reading, has read, these posts to make sure that DAMON WHO KNOWS THIS WOMAN GETS HER HELP!!!
That's the name of the game Damon, BEING ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS.

a hui hou,
Have a great weekend.
We expect a report back from you Damon, by Tuesday!
I have to agree. If it had been my partner on the ground and I didnt help, I think that would be call for a divorce or at the least it would cost me a testicle. I watched the video in amazement, dejavu I have had neighbors like this in fact the last house we owned we had neighbors like this thats why we sold and moved to Hawaii, well, ok that wasn't the only reason to move but it sure helped..
The whole time watching I was yelling at my computer put down the flipping camera and help your wife, position it so it show's her and you so you still have evidence. But help your flipping wife..[Sad!]

setting my soul free....
setting my soul free....

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