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Puna Dive Club
Aloha. My name is "Chili". I'm the person that gave Pam Lamont The Ingersol Rand SCUBA Compressor. I gave it to her because I thought it would benifit the most people who would be interested in scuba diving. I'm a certified PADI Scuba Instructor. So for those of you who are interested in getting a refresher course, further training, or getting your Certification for the first time, we will be giving members of the Puna Dive Club discounted rates. I have read several of the comments of those interested in this club and think we are going to have a great thing when it gets up and running. Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and say that I'm looking forward to meeting with all of you soon.

We get out of life......What we put into it
Hi Chili:

Thanks for this post. I too am looking forward to our getting together for Diving.


Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
I know I am about 4 months behind on my plans for a dive club. Sorry.. but getting people taken care of has been a bigger priority... that and financing !!

Trust me, we will get it together this year and it's gonna be GREAT!

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Click here to check out some underwater photos I took. May take a while to load.

Edited by - Andrew on 08/03/2006 23:30:47

Edited by - Andrew on 08/03/2006 23:31:52

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
Click here to check out some underwater photos I took. May take a while to load.

Edited by - Andrew on 08/03/2006 23:30:47

Edited by - Andrew on 08/03/2006 23:31:52

We get out of life......What we put into it
Great pictures Andrew. Makes me want to cancel all plans for the next two weeks and hit the water. But, like Pam said, first things first. I know there are alot of people out there who are anxious for this Club to materialize, and it will soon. Aloha

We get out of life......What we put into it
Hey, even though it's going to take a few months to get the compressor up and running, and we all are busy with our daily lives, that's not a reason we can't all get together one day at some location to meet one another and share ideas about the club. One day out of of lives could produce some very positive results. Something to think about.

We get out of life......What we put into it
We are down in Kapoho - we can meet here since we are very close to the waiopea Conservation area. We also have plenty room to BBQ if any one interested in the Dive Club wants to get together...

Chili - i filled many a tank as a deck hand/galley girl on the Conception, and the Truth outta Santa Barabra so when you get the compressor going... I'll give you a hand...

I have experiance with high presure gas systems if you need a hand working on the compressor

To Kapohocat and Seeb, I was with Pam yesterday, and we talked briefly about the dive club. Personally, I would like to see a gathering of dive enthusiatists take place.

We get out of life......What we put into it

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