Originally posted by Aaron S
Originally posted by Sandra A.
I'm not surprised, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Survival in a crappy economic environment. Nevada has suffered greatly: residential housing losses, hotel & gaming revenue is down. Go where the work is and work for less, better than no work at all.
I can understand your point. However I don't think this contractor has done their homework before they submitted their bid. There is a huge difference in doing construction work in Texas and Nevada versus Hawaii.For starters, the costs are much higher here than over there. On top of that, this is potentially their first construction job in Hawaii. Thus they are probably not up to speed with Hawaii's environmental and employment conditions.
Goodfellow Brothers has done an excellent job thus far reconstructing the roadway between m.m 19-35 (and soon to be open m.m 35-42 segment). I had always thought they would be able to be lowest bidder throughout this improvement project since they had their equipment staged up there already.
However the latest bidding put a torpedo in that thinking. Thus I can only hope that this contractor does a good job on this phase (it will take 2 years) and it doesn't turn out to be Queen K Phase I debacle.
I don’t totally agree with some of your points. Civil construction is civil construction.
I’ve been involved in this type of construction for 25 years and in more States then I care to remember. We moved from State to State and adapted quite well. Specifically I was told on two occasions that my company would go bust before the end of the project because we weren’t local and don’t know the way it’s done there. One was in Washington DC and the other in the Florida Keys. Both of these project were completed early and under budget.
As far as the environmental issues I think most of them have been resolved and I’m sure they are aware of the BMP manual that in some form exists in most States. As long as they work in the limits of construction they will do ok.
What is unique in Hawaii is the delay and cost with regards to shipping material and equipment parts. As far as material goes all of the materials used on road construction are manufactured right here on the BI including the asphalt. If they are well stocked on parts they should be ok.
Remember Goodfellow Brothers is a mainland contractor and they had to execute their first project in Hawaii, so it is done. Don’t get me wrong they will face some challenges.
I think Goodfellow got greedy and got burnt by the lower bidder. That’s what is great about competitive bidding. Goodfellows has recently low balled a few projects on the BI and won the bids.
IMHO they were waiting for this next section of roadway. You know keep your staff and equipment operating a hair above cost. I wonder what they are going to do now? They have a huge quarry and asphalt plant in PTA. I would guess that without this section of roadway they might have to dismantle the plant and move on before the last section of highway goes out to bid.
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s free
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s free...now here come the taxes.....