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the county's vision of Puna future
It's an Emily thing. The CoH doesn't much exhibit too much concern for Puna.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Yeah, true

entertainment centers
Originally posted by Seeb

so what is this photo about? Personally if this person wants to live in a tent whose business is it!
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

It's an Emily thing. The CoH doesn't much exhibit too much concern for Puna.

Rob, I know you can't tolerate Emily, but this comment is rediculous, especially coming from a moderator of the forum. Keep your tongue to yourself.
I'm sorry, The linked picture was in conjunction with a Tribune Herald article regarding Emily's Tent Bill. Was not the Tent Bill an Emily thing? I thought it was an Emily thing. If its not an Emily thing then whose thing is it?

OR are you concerned that I feel the CoH doesn't exhibit much concern for Puna?

What exactly is your point?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
This was one of the very few pieces of real legislation (as opposed to yet another quack resolution) that Emily actually got passed through Council. The rest of the Council passed it to humor her only after it was limited to Puna. Cousin Billy vetoed it, and that was that. As far as any practical good that it might have done, my guess would be next to none. People are already living in tents, and nothing is done about it unless a major safety or health risk is reported, if then.

As far as the CoH not exhibiting much concern for Puna, you'd have to live under a rock not to notice that.
Is living in a tent a crime on the Big Island? Personally if someone owns their own property and they aren't being a safety problem for others, it's nobody's busines how they live. "tent nazis" so has the Big island grown up a group of "tent nazis"? I am a designer and I think the building codes enslave people to the banks by requiring them to finance a technology they may not want, legislated slavery via forced consumption. mw
In the vast majority of cases in Puna, those living in tents do not own the property at all. Some may simply have permission to be on it and even more are probably just squatters.

The big crime is how poor of a job that the County has done in allowing dangerous structures to continue to exist along with the obvious lack of sanitation that these "tent-dwellers" are obviously contributing to.

Do you want people living without septic, etc. living next door to you? Where is their waste going? What if you have a well? Would that change your mind about reasonable building codes and restrictions based upon public safety?

mwalker, this is a little after the fact Emily's tent bill got shot down by the county atorney last year because it was selective - only puna. i'm taking it you dont live here?

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