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likely unpopular but true: Wally world cheap food
If you have a budget for groceries and are not just unlimited rich, I suggest that you goto our favorite mega retailer for some food items. The prices of items are very cheap. and i mean cheap like 10 years ago prices.
I don't know how good their flour is but the 5# bag of has been about 1.65- 1.80? Milk is cheap there too, but I can't drink or use a gallon before it spoils. Sugar was like, 3 bucks for a while.

Safeway has been selling Gold Medal flour at 2 bucks for 5# also.

Storage containers can get a bit pricey.


If anyone is interested in buying the gallon containers of milk, you can
freeze it safely.

hikatz, my LDS girlfriends in Arizona told me about freezing milk...I didn't think you could (but they have plenty kids) they do it all the time.

Also - that website is very cool...lots of good advice there! Thanks.


"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it." Galadriel - LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Since Walmart remodeled recently, they've added a lot more food items, or so it seems. Their food aisles used to be crowded and full of junk, but it appears they're more serious about groceries now. My concern with their stuff is whether it's older or has been overheated. As I said on another topic, my cats won't eat their premium canned food brands even though they will eat the same brands and flavors bought from Safeway. But that was before the remodel.
I gotta say, I just casually checked on some grocery prices when WalMart expanded its grocery dept. and was surprised at how expensive the items were. I didn't check milk and butter but things on the shelves were higher than what I pay at KTA. Other than white-paste bread (which I didn't even look at), there was no loaf of bread cheaper than $5+ dollars.
I would like to know which items these are? and if you are buying your bread in a plastic bag at any level its nothing great. From what I have seen the prices of items at walmart for dry/canned goods are over 50% cheaper than safeway/kta Flour, beans, pasta, almost anything you bake with, hot sauce, tons of stuff. I would like to know what is cheaper at KTA...

Originally posted by Frankie Stapleton

I gotta say, I just casually checked on some grocery prices when WalMart expanded its grocery dept. and was surprised at how expensive the items were. I didn't check milk and butter but things on the shelves were higher than what I pay at KTA. Other than white-paste bread (which I didn't even look at), there was no loaf of bread cheaper than $5+ dollars.

I didn't say Safeway. And I shop the sales at KTA. So I buy cat food, pasta, coconut milk, canned goods, whole grain breads in a plastic bag (I refuse to buy it if it's approaching $ I say, I shop the sales), p-butter, jams, frozen mahi, frozen pizzas, frozen strawberries, pastas, yogurt, P sausage, bacon, mayonnaise, etc, etc. and when on sale, they are cheaper than Foodland, Safeway and now in many instances, WalMart. I used to buy my soda and cereal at WalMart but the last time I checked, those items were also cheaper at KTA that week. I try to buy all my produce at the farmers' markets; also honey.
My mother loves the small, single-servings of soups:

They are $4.00-$4.49 at Safeway. Sometimes they are on sale for $3.00. Once, since last April, one brand was 2 for $5.00.

At the "new" Walmart, they run from $1.78 to $1.99. That's half price. There's still a lot that Walmart doesn't carry; but what it oes have is 25-50% less than Safeway.

I don't know about KTA prices because that store has a strange smell and I cannot bring myself to buy foodstuffs in there.
Janet, I can't handle the KTA smell either, and neither can my son. I've wondered if I'm the only one who feels slightly nauseated even being in there.
The KTA near the Farmer's Market is not so bad; it's the Puainako Town Center store that gets me.

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