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Gov Lingle told us on Oct 14 that mandatory vaccinations via
national guard was coming. The story may shock those who have not seen the evidence that a crim is unfolding that goes all the way to the World Health Organization. A lawsuit naming Hawaii Dept of Health in genocide has just been filed.
I've produced a small website that will tune you in and
inform your understanding
Please visit [url][/url]
H1N1 is spelled Martial Law
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Good for you Ray. Welcome to Punaweb.
Could you direct us to a source for Gov. Lingle's statement please?
I have contacted the Governor's office to seek comment on the statement you attribute to her. I will share whatever reply I receive. Your link did not provide credible sourcing.
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Assume the best and ask questions.
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Mahalo for this information and the work you have done, to help people stay informed on this very important issue.
This link will give everyone the information they may need, to understand what changes occur, if Martial Law is declared and how to prepare in case this event, becomes a reality in Hawaii and the USA.
Pray for Peace on Earth[

] [url][/url] for more information hit the home buttom at the bottom of page
My son freaked out about the same thing. But look what's happened so far. People who want the vaccine are being turned away because the supply is low.
Governor Lingle's comment comment was in context that she was announcing free shots for school children. One can also read what she said to mean that not just children would get the free shots. Although I doubt that will happen. This state can't even keep the dumps or the schools open full time.
There is nothing about declaring martial law and putting people in camps if they refuse.
ETA. take that "quote" and plug it into Google as is, and look at the names of the URL's that come up. Godlike Productions, Above Top Secret, Third Eye Concept, Prophecy Fellowship ... all conspiracy theory sites. Not one actual news site.
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How could there possibly be mandatory vaccinations of anything? Even if possible, what purpose could it serve?
Ah well, there is an "extra" ingredient in the vaccine that can be activated at will to kill us off or control us or something. It's part of the implementation of the new world order.
<so I've been told>
plug the quote into Google and see what those sites are saying; you'll get the gist of the paranoia.
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Hey that's the same plot for that show "V" that's on TV.
"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it." Galadriel - LOTR
Carrie Rojo
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
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If They ever did make vaccines mandatory we'd know something was very wrong.
Until then: if you don't want it, don't take it; it leaves more for the rest of us.
I sometimes wonder if any government has considered a meta-conspiracy to get people turned off of the idea of getting a vaccine to cover a shortfall in production.
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It seems that you don't need some government mandatory vaccination programme to make some people go off the deep end and believe whatever they're told. Or maybe we've all been injected already and...
Seriously, there's always been a bit of new age stuff on the island but the conspiracy theories and paranoia seems to be getting worse. What gives?
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Originally posted by PaulW I sometimes wonder if any government has considered a meta-conspiracy to get people turned off of the idea of getting a vaccine to cover a shortfall in production.
Don't believe that. Paul is involved in a conspiracy to get people to believe there is a conspiracy to propogate a conspiracy that the vaccine is bad so people will rush out and get vaccinated.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.