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Dumped cat - very uncertain future
I was at the newly renovated County Building on Aupuni Street today.

As I was leaving to go to a meeting there was an angry citizen at the entry complaining loudly to R.J. Hampton (Emily Naeole-Beason's aide) about a cat. I spotted the poor kitten laid out on the sidewalk looking like it could die of dehydration at any moment.

The citizen was saying that the cat had been abandoned in a panting dehydrated state in the parking lot. The man had moved it into the shade of the portico three hours earlier and alerted the county staff to call for aide for the animal. He returned three hours later and it was still there apparently untouched or attended.

It was a sad scene.

I had to be at a meeting in a few minutes and left but it bothered me plenty. An hour later I acquired some water and returned determined to try to revive it if it was still there and take it somewhere for help (home? my teenage daughters to nurse it?)

I'm not sure if it is good news or bad but the kitten was gone when I got back to the site. I hope R. J. did the right thing. I will assume she did. So I will thank R.J. Hampton in advance. I also hope it didn't make a dead end trip to the humane society.

I still feel bad. I had left there with two adults present at the scene. One talking very loudly about the extreme lack of aloha and the other just standing and staring at the kitty.

Sometimes we never know how these things end.

Best wishes little cat.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Aw ... thanks for caring Rob. Poor little thing. I hope it made it.
How cruel to strand it in bad condition in a hot parking lot.
i just don't understand what people are thinking?! wait, they're NOT thinking. that's the answer! there's a 99.9% possibility that the dumped-rescued dog we found will be adopted by week's end. i wish the same for that poor kitty (if it survived).

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

Again, I do not know why people would want to move here.
Chris, I guess you don't know our "official" Puna motto, "We're all here because we are not all there."
Yes, I did know the motto. But I thought it was meant as a joke. Really, what is the value of living here? Crime, drugs, litter, deluded "spiritual" people, hedonists, punk kids, laziness excused as being "hawaiian", the underfunded public schools. MAybe 10% of the people here have it together.
So Chris...if this really is such a hell on earth, why are you still here???
Why are you here if it is so terrible? I have my own reasons for being here which FOR ME outweigh all the things you mentioned. Planes leave Hawaii every day, so why would someone who dislikes the place as much as you do stay here?


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Some people (military, corporate transfers, spouse situations) have no choice about being here. We should accept that this isn't paradise for everybody and allow them to express their point of view. The criticism should inspire us to try to make things better since there are plenty of things that those of us who freely choose to stay here gripe about.
Thanks Jerry. Yes, I am out here helping a friend in need. And tried to see the positives here the many times I have come over.

It freaks me out that people do like to hear criticism. I thought the "Love it or leave it" attitude was endemic to only the southern mainland. My grandmother told me, only the kindest people will tell you what you do not want to hear.

CSGRAY, what is it that outweighs the negatives for you?

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