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It's a truly awful scene unfolding in Haiti. When troubles come they come not singly by but in battalions. . .

It's possible if not likely that the equivalent of the population of the Big Island was snuffed out in this quake. I'd suggest as we live in a seismic zone far more active than that one we learn something, as well as bank some karma. Obviously our construction standards are much higher but such an event would cause very serious damage here as well. If someone with more political connections than I(which wouldn't take much) would be willing to trump up some good will to send that way I'd be the first to pledge to contribute. It may well be I'll have some details to add soon as my parents are active in disaster relief through MDS and might well be packing bags. If I learn more I'll add details. Elsewise, I guess it's an opportunity to practice some Aloha. Aloha is a local topic. As far as I'm concerned, it should be the primary local topic. I don't think it would hurt us to practice a bit.

Let me know if anyone puts it together.
Jay yes it certainly is a tragedy. If you find a worthy way to donate let us know.

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
We can hope and expect that Hawaii can lend assistance to Haiti in what is sure to be a long period of emergency and hardship.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Hey Jay that's a great idea! We have done Mercy Corps, a Portland Oregon association much like France's Doctors Without Borders, who we usually go with. has crashed it seems and so Amazon (dot) com has put a donation cart on their front page top right, for easy access for Mercycorp donations for the island state of Haiti.

mella l

Paris London New York Hilo

spelling again and always
mella l
Art and Science
I would suggest if no other local activism manifests itself donating through the Mennonite Central Committee, which is little know but is perhaps the most highly respected relief organization in the world. is the link. To my knowledge they're the only organization active in Burma at the moment--and actually that means something. I'm not a religious guy; my parents are, kinda, but we all believe in talking a whole lot less and getting stuff done. The MCC is very effective at that. This is, after all, unleashing the Amish(and others) on getting stuff done and not too many can compete with at.

Again, I'm a very hard core atheist, by the way. You don't need to let the religious angle turn you off. Central to Anabaptist tradition is the assertion that if God exists, well, we haven't met him. If we're going to witness divinity, the surest way to do that is to personally do something divine. Let's get busy.
The Hawaii Red Cross is taking a lead on the Haiti situation and is highly reputable. Lord know there will be scammers trying to take advantage.

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I had some very good experiences with the Mennonites regarding disaater relief. I would trust them also.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
We might donate through Pat Robertson's organization. He seems to have knowledge the rest of us have missed. He said the Hatians made a pact with the devil when Napoleon III still enslaved the country, and now they are paying for it. Seems religious enough.
I don't know Del, it hardly seems like a joking situation.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Pat Robertson has been a joke for years.
Yesterday visiting with my darling 85 y/o neighbor, we were discussing Haiti. I mentioned that the Red Cross was being mentioned as an organizational mechanism for donations on the radio.

Boy for a sweet GOP little old friend, the earth opened up. NO she said, when she and her husband and 3 children needed help long years ago in Pennsylvania, well they approached the Red Cross. They were told that only if the Red Cross were allowed to put a lien like a mechanics lien on their house would the Red Cross be able to help the family.

Visit any disaster scene, Red Cross coffee 50 cents, Salvation Army coffee FREE.

So yes Jay I get it, thanks for the input, lets hope we can all be of some help! If everyone helped a bit, it would help ALOT!

mella l

Paris London New York PUNA

spell alot edit runs mouth faster than keyboard is enabled
mella l
Art and Science

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