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This last month has been a trial for us. Seems everything that could go wrong did and with Bob and I in good but not complete recovery mode, it's been hard.

I want to thank my many friends who have pitched in, one way or another, and been there to help us. It starts with Jared and Craig who put up with me in addition to helping us learn more about our animals and farming stuff. Royal Clark who not only finished a great library but came back several times and helped with the whole water pump/pressure tank, propane Paloma system that went whacky and then converting to propane and installing my new dryer for the one that also died this last month. Pam J helped me haul water while Hubby Ralph did a welding job on my big mower deck so we can use it again. Canh Lee, thanks for always coming thru on chicken trading stuff.... the list goes on and if I haven't mentioned you by name I am sorry. I only want to acknowledge how GREAT Punawebbers are to one another and I am thankful for it every day.

Mahalo and Aloha
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

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