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Google GIGABIT Internet Service !!!
Hot topics here on the Mainland is Google's entrance into being an ISP, serving up Gigabit Speeds to customers. I've used the miserable Internet Speeds in HPP and couldn't believe what was being served up, and what people in HPP consider great service was like riding a Model T in todays Indy 500. Please go to this site and get involved... who knows, just maybe HPP and Puna can be part of this new revolutionary service. Maybe Hawaiian Tel/Comcast could pump up their speeds if there was some sort of Competition. If you don't speak up, you'll never know what the end result will be. Speak up below and maybe some of you politicians can help our part of paradise be a leader in unbelievable internet Speeds.
With their qualification being a minimum of 50,000 users, (paying customers) I don't see how Hilo/Puna would ever qualify. There simply would not be enough paying customers even if all current DSL, cable, wireless and dial-up people all switched. Just the amount of fiber that would have to be ran is mind-boggling.
Well, there used to be a lot of funding for "Rural" areas to bring in high speed internet. I don't know how they could build a profitable net work, but hope that some day it will be everywhere as more and more "stuff" needs an internet connection. And gee, after my first DSL line 10 years ago, I have never wanted to go back, but resent every bit of the cost. As an ex-telephonie grunt, I especially resent it. Take that Ma Bell.

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our
exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the
place for the first time.
-T.S. Eliot
Peace and long life
I know here in Michigan when they put up the new lines for cable, they also laid fiberoptic lines that are just sitting there for future use. Google would like to use those lines. The fiber optic lines have never been used. If you've been using DSL, you realize what you were missing using dial-up. Cable is the same way. I've been through all of the ways to get internet. I would never go back to dial-up, and I was really concerned with only being able to get DSL in HPP. Once you get cable you never want to go back. Imagine, Fiber optics ~!!! The reason people don't use internet to the fullest is because they haven't paid for the faster speeds. Just like everything else... people seem to be complacid, refuse to better their standard of living. Paradise as people in Puna understand it would be a better place if they would except some change for the good. These forums are a classic example, do they help the people here...? I think the answer is yes. Imagine what it really could be like if we would let it happen. Eventually all media will be using the internet to transmit their content. Unless you've used hi-speed cable you don't understand what you're missing... but then again look at who's using Facebook these days... its the "new AOL".

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