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Amusement park or Quarry,please?
If you live in AG zone a community might ask your approval of placing a "good for a community" business or amusement park right next door to you.

And what I learned about this community thing on this forum,that

".. You can say how much you may not like this idea but the community may decide in favor of the fire station or .."(see below)*anyway"

You can not prevent a hurricane from happening but being educated about it helps.

So how does this work?

In my part of the subdivision there are empty lots,8000 sq ft mostly.They are still expensive.

So,let's say John and Marry bought a lot hoping to build a home when they retire.

A community decides that it will be "good for the community" place to put a day care center there.

John and Marry paid 55K for the lot.Now it costs only 40K.
And they don't want to sell -they love their place.

So - would they be forced to sell because it's "good for the community"?

Will they get the money they paid or get the current market price?

------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Example on AG zoned land you can have the normal agricultural use but also, Animal Hospitals, Campgrounds, Playgrounds, Swimming Pools, Cemeteries, Group Living Facilities, Kennels, Stables, Telecommunication Antennas, Utility Sub-stations, Wind Farms, Bio-fuel Production, and Agricultural product processing operations.
With additional permits, AG land can also have Heliports, B&Bs, Quarry, Child Care Homes, Public Dumps, Trailer Parks, Crematoriums, Houses of Worship, Day Care Centers, Hospitals, Amusement Parks, Golf Courses, Sanitariums, Mortuaries, and Schools.

(From Bob Orts' explanation)
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
If I come (instead of losing my mind and moving to France) I am going to have lots of chickens (roosters only, to drown out the coquis) and I will defintely have a heliport in back. Also looking into an experimental methane production plant. Of course, I will have a kind of circus once a month. It will resemble this old Doors album cover:
LOL Glen! Hope, I just don't see this kinda thing happening anytime soon...this is not the side of the Island that people flock to except for the Volcano (IMHO). I think we are more local/small-town kind. We have so much that is going on now that has taken years and years of planning, not to mention the actual construction or change.

Speculating about huge ventures like these seems frivolous on such a GORGEOUS Hawaiian day!!! Aloha.


"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it." Galadriel - LOTR
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Well, Glen,then a sanitarium next door to your house would be a "good for community" thing too.

Allowed in AG[Big Grin][}Smile]!

P.S.When you move to France,post in your neighborhood:
"Swap a house in Puna (close to Cirque du Soleil)for a small attic in Paris"
Carrie,I hope you are right.But the possibility is real.
You can not ignore it.
I think people who are buying a lot in AG zone or near empty lot(s) should be aware of this possible nightmare.
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Originally posted by StillHopeJohn and Marry paid 55K for the lot. Now it costs only 40K. And they don't want to sell -they love their place.
If they love their place than their will love the day care center. If they don't than they can sell and write off the loss, or they can divorce and John or Mary can marry StillHope![Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin]

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

John,can you answer as a professional?

One day you may have a client with this situation or may be in this situation yourself when the community in your subdivision may decide to place a fire station where your house is.

I don't know if you are financially OK not to worry about losing
15-20 K on a land and possibly 100-150 K on a house,but most people will be.
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Stillhope, people loose money regularly on Puna property. Happens in cycles and the cycles repeat with some regularity. buy a parcel is no guarantee that it will consistantly increase in value.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Rob,it's not only about losing money.

How does the whole thing work (or supposed to work) when a community
will want to take your property because "it's good for the community "?
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
StillHope...why on earth do you think that someone is trying to take your property?
Glen you are hilarious. You and Hope should start a comedy team. Swap Cirque de Soleil for attic in Paris, LMAO, Hope.

Seriously, it's stressful buying property because we put so much into it and so much can make it lose value. Home ownership has aged me a lot! Back during the building boom, I looked at a lot of places with empty parcels adjacent or nearby and passed on them. I wanted a house that had the adjacent parcels built so that I had some idea what was going to be next door. Boy that is tough to find in Puna. I have sold FOUR houses on this island because of what my neighbors did, even though I loved the houses. Heart-breaking? Yep? Did it break my marriage? Pretty much. I have really bad luck in that area. First house we ever bought the neighbor burned it down and replaced it with a monstrosity. Then came here and first year we had one neighbor build, second year the other one built as soon as the first one was finished. Moved and bought a house with a parcel represented as unbuildable below us. A month after we were in, after renovating, the bulldozers showed up. Bought a house in escrow and the neighbors showed up and built on another impossible parcel starting the day I closed escrow, and drove me out with their behavior. Moved to North Kohala next to a nice pasture, and that owner suddenly built a huge house that ruined ours. The next house hunt, we managed to avoid an adjacent parcel, but a 12 acre parcel of old lychees across the way got turned into a new subdivision, which meant a year of listening to trucks backing up and drills.

So far so good at this house, but I do live next to a farm and there are semi-trucks parking and loading containers and leaving during the day, which can be real loud. All part of owning ag land.

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